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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 412

Austin and Michael were participating in the tournament on behalf of the Prince Reuben. As a result, they were supposed to be teammates.

Michael was going through a series of mixed emotions. Before this Outstanding Talents Exchange Games, he had fought against Austin multiple times.

It was after their last fight that he realized that the skill he was proud of didn't work at all against Austin. Besides, he had observed Austin's performance and had become aware of his power. This caused Michael to be slightly afraid of him.

When Michael found out that he was going to face Austin in the next round, a cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He didn't think he could defeat Austin.

The moment Austin caught sight of Michael, his eyes grew tense and outlook colder.

The two were supposed to work with each other since they were fighting for Reuben. But, Michael always acted like he was superior to Austin, teased him and even put him down several times. Austin was upset with this treatment and sincerely wanted Michael dead.

Austin focused his cold, merciless eyes on Michael.

Michael stared at him, feeling slightly queasy.

They looked straight at each other.

Michael detected a strong sense of mercilessness and indifference inside Austin.

His heart skipped a beat due to this inescapable fear.

'Austin is annoying, but he is a tough opponent nevertheless. He possesses a horribly strong physical strength and swift movement speed. He has mastered an overwhelming martial arts skill. What's more, he has also grasped the level 7 sword intent. I have to admit that I can't beat him.

I have an idea though. I'll pretend to be friendly and make peace with him.

Humph! And then, when I find a chance, I'll bring him down!' Michael thought to himself.

He bit his lower lip and walked up to Austin.

He stopped in front of Austin, swallowed his pride and bowing to him slight, said, "Buddy, there have been some misunderstandings between us.

I'm sorry for my rude actions and I hope you are willing to bury the hatchet.

After all, haven't we signed up in this game on behalf of the same prince? I'm sure he hopes to see us to cooperate with each other so that he gets to win this game. After all, he wants to sit on the throne and we're here to help him.

In a word, we should act as friends not enemies.

How about we finish this pretense of a fight later? I bet 24 contestants will be eliminated soon.

That way, we could enter into the Mysterious Nether World. I believe that will please the prince, and he will reward us handsomely.

And we could work together after we enter the Mysterious Nether World. It's a win-win solution. What do you say?"

Michael had tried to be as sincere and cordial as he could, trying to persuade Austin to believe that he had offered the suggestion for the sake of both of them and didn't have any ulterior motive.

However, Austin was perceptive enough and had already seen through his little trick. He had noticed the fleeting traitorous intention in Michael's eyes before he had spoken. He knew that Michael would make a move to take him down once he got an opportunity. Of course, he had no intention of taking his advice.

Austin glanced at Michael coldly and snorted. In a detached voice he said, "You're not good enough that I work with you.

I know what you're up to.

You intend to butter me up and weaken my defenses, so that you can break into the top fifty, don't you?

Make your move! You can get what you want after you defeat me. But we are going to fight!"

"Austin Lin, you..." Michael was extremely ashamed and upset that Austin had read right through him. He couldn't even finish his sentence.

Michael didn't expect such a response from Austin. After all, he had talked to him so politely and humbly.

"You speak too much!" Austin said in a challenging tone.

He didn't want to waste time arguing with his opponent.

Michael activated his best skill. The next second, he was surrounded by snow and ice. The violent tornado went straight towards Austin and all the snow and hailstones struck him.

The whole battle ring was covered with thick ice; the cold wind blew around making even the spectators feel cold.

Austin smiled faintly. The glowing ball inside his elixir field gently left his body and hung over the battle ring. Like a blazing sun, it gave off a golden light which radiated all over the whole battle ring.

Immediately, all the ice and snow melted. The cold air was replaced with a warm, comfortable one.

The Golden Sun Scripture was showing its amazing powers.

"You're doomed!"

Austin shouted, and displayed his Wind-commanding Skill in an attempt to approach Michael and take him out.

Aware that he would be unable to withstand his attack, Michael exhibited his bodily movement skill to dodge in the hope that he could buy more time. His plan was to keep avoiding getting hit by Austin until other contestants in their respective battle rings finished their fights. Then, he could enter the Mysterious Nether World.

As a matter of fact, all the contestants who were losing in their own battle rings had this very plan.

As a result, interesting scenes were taking place in many battle rings. On one of the rings, a contestant was displaying bodily movement skill to run along the edge of a battle ring, while the opponent spared no efforts to keep up with the former.

It seemed like a competition of who had the best bodily movement skill.

'What's going on?'

the audience wondered, stunned at the cowardly behavior.

"You idiot! Do you think you're faster than me? You're being ridiculous."

Austin burst into laughter, his voice full of contempt. After all these years of training, a single stride of his helped him cover up to 200 meters. He took several strides, appeared right behind Michael and gave him a hard punch.

"That's not good!" Michael said, alert as ever.


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