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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4181

A loud cheer rose from the crowd as they caught sight of a few powerful masters.

However, even the strongest ones among them were merely semi-governing gods.

Not a single governing god was part of that group, which meant that it was ridiculously under-powered.

Austin was also in the crowd. He scowled at the sight instead of cheering.

'Why are these idiots trying to provoke Ronnie? They are courting death. Those masters can't hope to stand against him even for a second.'

Austin shook his head.

"Members of the heaven roc race, come out!

Members of the heaven roc race, come out!

Members of the heaven roc race, come out!"

Someone initiated a chant and the crowd followed suit.

Numerous creatures roared in unison. Their loud and powerful chants began rolling into the Heaven Roc Universe Community from all directions. Very soon, every single member of the audience had joined and the uproar became more violent than ever.

The entire Heaven Roc Universe Community began shaking violently.

And yet, there was no response from the Heaven Roc Universe Community.

Silence was the response the chants received, and no one came out.

Meanwhile in the Heaven Roc Universe Community,

their patriarch, senior leaders, and various other clansmen were huddled together, ready to fight their way out if the situation became dire.

They had neither the plans nor the courage to fight the incalculable number of creatures outside head-on.

In the Roc Cosmos, Humphrey had remained silent.

The patriarch had sent messages to the Roc Cosmos several times but had received no response. It was clear that they were on their own.

"All right everyone. This is it... Get ready.

Once those creatures get in here, we must escape immediately!"

The patriarch sent a secret message to his clansmen.

"The heaven roc race does not have the courage to face us today! Let's force our way in.

We are going to get an explanation from them no matter what!"

"Right! Let's get inside and destroy the Heaven Roc Universe Community!"

Finally, the creatures surrounding the Heaven Roc Universe Community began getting impatient.


A tide of countless creatures rushed towards the Heaven Roc Universe Community and barged in like a storm.

Austin also rushed in with the crowd.


What the hell's going on?"

The crowd stopped abruptly as they entered the Heaven Roc Universe Community. Not a single living being was visible inside.

"It looks like the heaven roc race has hidden themselves!"

"Ha-ha, they are afraid of us!"

"Find them! Seek them out!"

The creatures who had rushed in found it funny that their target was afraid of them.

The members of the heaven roc race, on the other hand, were hiding in one of their universes under the orders of their patriarch.

Originally, various other races had also resided in the Heaven Roc Universe Community.

However, as soon as the Heaven Roc Universe Community was targeted, everyone else had fled. No one had found the courage to stay.

Therefore, only members of the heaven roc race were left in the Heaven Roc Universe Community now.

"Over there!

I found them. They're hiding in that universe.

Get them!"

Suddenly, a master sensed traces of the heaven roc race and rushed towards a universe, crying triumphantly to his peers.

"That's strange."

Austin, however, was looking in another direction.

His eyes had landed on a high-grade universe, which was supposed to be the best one in the Heaven Roc Universe Community.


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