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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4182

"Who the hell is this old guy? He's a freak!"

"Ha! He's way too arrogant!

Did you hear that? He wanted us to be his slaves!"

"Who on earth would agree to that?!"

Most of the creatures were enraged by what the old man said. However, some of them were shocked and a bit confused.

"Hey, old man. Did you just say you're Humphrey?"

"Humphrey? The one who claimed to rule the Sea of Chaos?"

Finally, some creatures began to speculate the real identity behind this old man in black.

"That's right. I am Humphrey.

And from now on, I shall rule the Sea of Chaos.

That means right now, you shall be my slaves.

So, go ahead. Kneel before me. All of you!"

Humphrey said in a firm and cold voice.

"What the hell?! This old man is Humphrey?"

"Yeah, I knew about it. He once declared that he will rule the Sea of Chaos!"

"What? This old man is just insanely ambitious!

Even if he is extremely strong, do you think he can take all of us?

Rule the Sea of Chaos? Is he planning to challenge all the creatures of the Sea of Chaos alone?

I'll bet that we can take him down if we all fight together!"

Several creatures just scoffed at the thought that Humphrey could really make them yield. They even threw curses and insults at the old man.

Although the pressure and aura released by Humphrey were very terrifying, he was still on his own.

Right now, there were even semi-governing gods in the crowd. They all thought that they could easily overwhelm him with their sheer number and combined strength.

No matter how powerful he was, it wouldn't be possible for him to resist all of their attacks at the same time.

With this way of thinking, the creatures present no longer felt afraid of him. They were prepared to fight him once he made his move.

Meanwhile, Austin was able to sense Humphrey's enormous power from a distance.

"This is just insane! He's too powerful!

If I am to face him directly, I think I will actually feel suffocated!"

Austin clenched his fist in shock.

At the same time, a few other mighty creatures were also able to perceive Humphrey's presence and power. Their faces became serious as they tried to focus and gauge his prowess.

"As I said, you are now my slaves. How dare you lowly beings talk back to me like this? Are you tired of living?"

Humphrey threatened them in a calm voice.

He had been rather cold since he showed up and insisted on his authority over all of them.

After all, he considered himself far too superior compared to these creatures that looked like trash in his eyes.

He looked down at them contemptuously, clearly knowing the immeasurable gap in terms of their strength.

He didn't even feel like talking to them since he felt that his dignity was being insulted.

"Hey, old man! Don't call us slaves! What qualifications do you have to call us as such?"

"That's right!

You're delusional. You should learn to know your place!"

Humphrey's words obviously agitated the creatures and they were now fuming in anger.

However, he didn't want to waste his time anymore in meaningless talk.

Thus, he quickly stretched out his finger and flicked it several times.

Boom! Boom!

Every time his finger moved, a tremendous wave of energy would burst out.

In just the blink of an eye,

all the creatures in the directions where he flicked his finger were blown up into pieces and turned into a measly puddle of blood.

Even before they could react or scream, they were all crushed to nothingness.

In less than three seconds, hundreds of thousands of creatures were blown to smithereens by just the force that Humphrey emitted from flicking his finger.

Furthermore, many of them were divine gods and even genuine divine gods on top of that.

No matter what level they were at, they weren't able to do anything to escape Humphrey's attack.

For a brief moment, the entire Heaven Roc Universe Community became dead silent.

Every creature seemed to be strangled by an invisible hand, making them unable to make even the slightest sound.

All they could do was stand still, too afraid that they might be killed next.

They even held their breaths just to prevent from making any sound that might attract Humphrey's attention.

"So, who else is not convinced?

If you don't have anything to say, I'm waiting for all of you to kneel before me.

I don't want to repeat this anymore. All of you are my slaves now.

And anyone who has an objection will suffer the same fate as those fools who were turned into a mere mist of blood."


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