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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4183

As the creatures who entered the Heaven Roc Universe Community witnessed how Humphrey killed countless creatures without mercy, they were freaked out and immediately surrendered to him.

They knew that their only way to live another day was to swear their loyalty towards this man.

In fact, even semi-governing gods were like tiny pitiful insects in front of Humphrey.

"Greetings, master!"

numerous creatures in the Heaven Roc Universe Community said in chorus as they knelt and bowed before him.

At the same time, Humphrey floated in the air with his hands behind his back. He glanced at the crowd while slightly nodding. His calmness was so natural as though he took it for granted that every creature should recognize him as their master.

While Humphrey was gathering all of his newly-acquired servants,

the senior members of the heaven roc race convened within the cosmos where they hid.

"Sir, it seems like Humphrey has gained control over the Heaven Roc Universe Community.

All the creatures have unanimously surrendered to him," a core member said to their chief.

"Sir, this might be a good opportunity. This way, we don't have to escape anymore!" another one exclaimed.

The senior leaders of the heaven roc race were actually overjoyed.

"Well, it looks like I have underestimated his strength. I didn't expect that he would easily control so many creatures right off the bat.

With his current strength, even the governing gods might not be his match," the chief of the heaven roc race speculated.

He was a semi-governing god who had already lived for a long time. Nonetheless, Humphrey's display of power had shaken his whole being.

The chief was lucky enough to have met some governing gods.

However, even he could easily tell that none of them could be on a par with Humphrey. He was sure that they would be crushed even if they joined hands and fought Humphrey at the same time.

"Hmm. Maybe you're right. It's a great opportunity for our race.

Right now, we are in an embarrassing position in the Sea of Chaos.

Yes, we are weaker than the six super forces, but we are definitely stronger than those small forces that have become active as of late.

If we just hide here forever, we may never redeem ourselves… but that changes now.

All we need is to butter up Humphrey.

Perhaps, there's still a chance for us to rise again.

We can even become a super force in the Sea of Chaos!

After all, Humphrey has the capacity to do that," the chief said excitedly as his eyes lit up.

"Sir, what are you planning to do, then?"

The senior members of the heaven roc race all stared intently at their chief.

"Well, our race is the first one to surrender to Humphrey.

If he can truly rule the entire Sea of Chaos, then we will certainly outrank the other races and forces. We will have the chance to redeem the reputation of our race and acquire whatever we want.

This is such a rare opportunity.

We must seize it," the chief said firmly.

"Yeah, that's a very good point."

Upon thinking of the possible outcome and the advantages that they could gain, the senior leaders all agreed with their chief.

"Well, then.

It's decided.

Let's meet Humphrey and give him our utmost support," the chief declared.

Without wasting any time, he gathered all the members of the heaven roc race. Then, he rushed and led all of them out of the cosmos to meet Humphrey.

"How dare you provoke Master Humphrey? I guess now you've learned your lessons, haven't you?"

"Master Humphrey is absolutely invincible! He's the only one destined to rule the entire Sea of Chaos. No one should dare disobey him!"

The senior members of the heaven roc race yelled one after another, acting like they were Humphrey's best and trusted subordinates.

When Humphrey saw this, his eyes narrowed at the pretentious members of the heaven roc race.

Then, invisible energy and laws came out of his eyes and swiftly landed on them.

Without any time for them to react, the members of the heaven roc race were hurt.

They didn't expect that Humphrey would deliberately attack them the moment they appeared.

With this, tremendous fear enveloped them. They thought that they were going to die.


Due to the impact of Humphrey's attack, the members of the heaven roc race coughed out a mouthful of blood, one after another.

Instantly knowing what was really happening, all of them knelt and bowed before Humphrey.

"Master Humphrey! Please spare our lives. We don't want to die yet," they sincerely begged in a trembling voice.

"Sir! We know that we committed a grave mistake. We will never do that again. Please forgive us this once!

From now on, we will be your loyal slaves. We will never turn our backs on you."

The chief of the heaven roc race stepped forward and pleaded.

Humphrey already knew that the members of the heaven roc race had actually abandoned him and attempted to run in order to save themselves.

"If that happens again, I'll make sure to wipe out every single soul of your race," Humphrey said in a flat tone as he placed his hands behind his back.


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