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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4188

"Master Stein, just because you saw countless creatures knelt down before Humphrey

doesn't mean that Humphrey will rule the Sea of Chaos.

Already, multiple creatures have been taken as his slaves.

What you predicted must have been them.

There is a still a chance you are wrong and we will not let him get what he wants,"

a governing god said with a snort.

"He is right.

No matter what, we refuse to sit by and watch Humphrey take everything from us.

If he wants to control the Sea of Chaos, he will have to get past us first,"

another governing god said.

Stein grunted and tried to stand. Immediately, the two children rushed to him and helped.

"I have tried my best to tell Humphrey's fortune as you asked.

I have no intention of getting involved into the matters in the Sea of Chaos.

Everyone, I will take my leave,"

he said.

Stein had never sided with any forces in the Sea of Chaos or made enemies with them.

He acted indifferently towards the Sea of Chaos.

He only helped when asked and still kept his reservations.

"Master Stein, Humphrey is a threat to the Sea of Chaos. He is our enemy.

You are part of this too. I think you should join us in the fight,"

a governing god said to Stein abruptly.

"I agree with him.

Master Stein, if you agree to help us,

you can join one of our forces as a superior elder.

You will enjoy the same perks as we do,"

another governing god proposed.

As they waited his answer, the five governing gods stared at Stein full of expectation.

Stein was an eminent prophet.

It was said that all the fortune reading techniques were passed down from him.

Stein could predict anything,

meaning all forces wanted him on their side.

Even the leaders of the super forces respected him.

They often visited him in person for advice.

Therefore, there were many times leaders and governing gods had begged Stein for his allegiance. He always gave them the same answer.

"Thank you for your kind offer,

but I swore to my master that I would never get involved in worldly affairs and I would not form or join any forces.

I have kept this promise for a long time.

I have to refuse your offer."

After he finished speaking, Stein bowed to the five governing gods to express his regret.

Then, with the help of two children, he walked away. They went into the thick forest and disappeared.

The five governing gods stared after him for a long time.

"Everyone, Master Stein is very unpredictable.

I can't see through his real strength,"

a governing god said.

"Me either,"

the other governing gods said in chorus.

"He must be stronger than us. There's no way he's weaker,"

a governing god voiced his thoughts.

"There is no point discussing him.

We all know that Master Stein is full of secrets.

No matter what we offer, he will never join us.

Let's just go.

We can't risk offending him.

We might need to ask him for help in the future,"

another governing god said.

"You have a good point. We should get going."

The other governing gods nodded in agreement.

Then, the five governing gods activated their bodily movement skills and left the small world behind.


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