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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4189

At the same time in the three thousand big and small universes,

there was an independent secret space room deep in the void.

Within the room, Austin sat cross legged and his eyes were closed as he focused on cultivating.

At the moment, he was learning the three original chaotic laws, namely the law of polarity, the law of life, and the law of thunder.

Thanks to the statue master, Austin's Soul Sea already had the seeds of these three laws.

If Austin could successfully comprehend the three original chaotic laws, his chance of success in cultivating them would increase.

While he was cultivating in seclusion, the entirety of the three thousand big and small universes had their plates full.

All the divine gods were busy going to all universes, worlds, and stars to tell everyone their plan.

After much thought, Austin and Santos decided that if Humphrey attacked the three thousand big and small universes and they couldn't defeat him, they would escape with everyone to somewhere else.

Thanks to the instructions Santos gave, all the divine gods went to tell the creatures to prepare to leave their hometown at the drop of a hat.

All the mortal creatures everywhere were informed about the plan.

While everyone was rushing around like headless chickens, Austin sat cross legged in the depths of the void and was busy meditating on the laws.

Suddenly, his concentration was interrupted.

"Austin, should we also take away the creatures in the Yellow Cosmos, especially those on Earth?

The Yellow Cosmos has always been isolated from the outside,

so the creatures there haven't seen a divine god since ancient times.

If divine gods enter the Yellow Cosmos or Earth, I'm sure the creatures there will be terrified."

Parker's voice reached Austin without any problem.

Since Parker lived on Earth before, there were many legends about him.

That was why the Earth had a special place in his heart. He couldn't help but show more concern about this planet than anywhere else.

Moreover, he could vaguely guess Austin also had something to do with the Earth,

so he brought his concerns about Earth to Austin.

After receiving Parker's message, Austin immediately put his cultivation on hold for the time being and appeared next to Parker in the blink of an eye.

When he arrived, he was greeted with the sight of Parker, Alethea, and a group of local divine gods of the three thousand big and small universes standing outside the Yellow Cosmos.

An incredibly long isolation belt surrounded the Yellow Cosmos.

Violent energy, laws, and all kinds of taboo arrays made up the isolation belt.

Both Parker and Alethea were the leaders of all the gods of light in the three thousand big and small universes who set it up a long time ago.

Moreover, there were many lands of danger and death in the isolation belt. Many fierce looking earth dragons could even be seen moving through it.

It was easy to see that Earth Masters must have offered their help when the isolation belt was set up.

There were many Earth Masters in the three thousand big and small universes in ancient times.

Even Austin went through many difficulties to return to the Earth in the past.

But now, the same isolation belt no longer posed any danger to him.

With Austin's current strength, he could even destroy it in the blink of an eye.

"Austin, the creatures in the Yellow Cosmos have been isolated from the outside for a long time.

They have no idea what's happening outside.

I'm not sure whether they would want to move or not,"

Parker sighed heavily.

"Given the current situation, it's not like they have a choice.

We're divine gods.

Even if they don't want to leave, we can use our omnipotent skills and take them all away by force,"

Alethea remarked.

"You're right."

All the other divine gods quickly nodded their heads in agreement.

Hundreds of divine gods stood next to Parker and Alethea.


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