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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 419

Loud, rumbling cheers erupted from the packed stadium as each person from the audience rooted for their favored competitor.

It was the last round of the Outstanding Talents Exchange Games, and with the sound of a siren, the battle between Austin and Leo began.

A hush fell over the citizens as they watched the stage with bated breaths.

Not a word was said;

only stares fixated on every movement the competitors were about to make.

The contenders gauged each other's power in portentous judgment as they stood with a distance of 30 feet apart.

Leo was the Violet Orchid Empire's venerated idol of all young people, whose exalted name had already been heard of by his challenger, Austin, when he was still in Sun Sect.

Austin felt giddy at the thought, having not expected that one day, he would even be permitted to stand on the same stage as Leo.

But now, here he was, swelling with pride in his chest upon coming this far.

The ups and downs he had experienced over the years were now coming into fruition. He felt all sorts of emotions surging within him; his confidence bursting in his heart as he recalled all his hardships.

It was because of that precise reason that Austin had held his head high in equanimity, even in the face of Leo, the top young martial artist in the empire.

His foe didn't miss his blatant display of will and determination.

Leo laughed, his handsome face twisting to reflect the ferociousness that lay behind his wild chortling. The day was clear, with no cold winds to help alleviate the humid heat. And yet, his clothes ruffled, dancing elegantly with a breeze produced by the aura of his energy.

"So, you're the famed dark horse," Leo grinned like a predator, his eyes shining with contempt.

"I've been waiting for this moment for a long time;

the former rivals I've met were too weak.

None of them even deserved to be called as my opponent!"

A nerve ticked in Austin's forehead in annoyance as Leo continued with his arrogant ramblings.

"You're a genius who's separated from mediocrity by nature. I seek for kids like us:

people who are commended outstanding in their field.

Because, only when our kind kneels to me, am I be able to cement the reputation of the overpowering strength I possess," He started pacing around; never letting his eyes stray too far from the other male's unmoving figure.

"You exist for my glory, just like how a leaf highlights the flower's beauty," Leo continued to say.

Austin grumbled in disdain at his words, "What the hell, you're the green leaf! Your whole family's the fucking leaves."

Although he might be a little riled up, Austin didn't let most of his foe's taunts sink deep into his mind. On the contrary, he couldn't help but start feeling bored with his rival's unnecessary gloating.

"I can tell by your expression that you think I'm some bragging dullard," Leo raised an eyebrow at the barely concealed dislike Austin was showing.

"Fine, I shall do what you wish and reveal my actual strength from now on. You'll learn soon that you and I, are not on the same level."

Leo took a step forward, a sudden surge of vital energy gushing out of him as he did so.

In a flash, the battle ring had filled with a force akin to a torrent of water escaping its dike.

The spectators were left in shock, having not expected that Leo had already reached the medium stage of Mysterious Realm.

Murmurs and whispers rose from the crowd, inciting a heated discussion among families and friends alike.

"My god! I never considered Leo's real strength to be at the medium stage of Mysterious Realm!" "That was awesome!"

"He hid his true colors perfectly!"

Songs of praises swept through the whole field.

A symphony of roaring exclamations filled with disbelief and awe. All directed at the power Leo had exhibited.

They all agreed without a doubt; he truly deserved the label of the strongest among the young martial artists in the nation.

The practitioners of the same arts and the young maidens witnessing the fight were left in a daze, helplessly afflicted with admiration for the man.

Even Emperor Arthur, the father of their own kingdom, was flabbergasted.

"The prowess of Leo has left me speechless.

He looks around the age of 21 years, so young that I can't seem to believe he has already reached the medium stage of Mysterious Realm," he gaped in astonishment. "He is indeed a rare genius that only appears after hundreds of years! I greatly respect his competence."

"Leo's truly the most excellent disciple in Peripatetic Sect for centuries, Your Majesty," the leader of Peripatetic Sect declared, his face shining with proud happiness that made the other four leaders around Emperor Arthur full of jealousy and resentment...

"Wake up, Austin.

I think you should have realized the glaring truth:


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