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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 420

"Wow! It did feel different! The Mysterious Realm is so amazing that the Earth Realm can't really compare to it!" Austin couldn't help but exclaim in amazement.

After he had broken through, he was shocked at the strong fluctuation of vital energy force that surged inside him.

At that moment, Austin slowly raised his head at once and turned to look at Leo, who was still in shock. He decided to drop the idea of going far away.

Just then, Austin lifted both of his hands and quickly positioned them in front of his chest. Leo just saw his hands which moved gracefully like butterflies flitting through flowers. It was clear that Austin could easily use and handle this skill.

After a little while, several flashes of strong, light gold vital energy shot out from his palms and flowed steadily like floodwater.

Hardly before Austin took a few breaths, his vital energy formed a nine-story golden pagoda on his palm. Its body glittered like a surging golden river and it looked ready to rush forth.

As the golden pagoda came into being, Austin held it on one of his hands and put the other hand on his back. He looked solemn as the fabric of his clothes fluttered in the wind. It seemed that even his figure became stronger than it was a while ago. He looked just as imposing as a cultivator in the Mysterious Realm was.

Moreover, not only Austin's inner force but also his outer appearance had completely improved--all courtesy of the Mysterious Realm.

"Alright, then let's be serious, Leo!" Austin said somewhat casually.

"Austin, don't be so confident! I don't care if you have become one of the Mysterious Realm cultivators. Don't forget that I've reached the medium stage of Mysterious Realm, so you'd better not overestimate your own ability, even if you've just made a breakthrough!"

Leo felt his blood boil with envy. He couldn't deny the fact that Austin had completed a breakthrough during a fight, a fight with no one but himself. His eyes burned with fiery wrath whenever he thought about it, and thus he was determined to kill Austin whatever the cost.

It was a matter of now or never. Leo had seen how capable Austin was with his own eyes, and he was fully aware of this guy's terrible potential. Perhaps one day Austin would replace him, surpass him, and become the strongest cultivator of the younger generation in the empire. Leo was quite sure that day would come soon.

Meanwhile, the Nine Demon Fists roared ferociously over his head like caged beasts as he spoke. Suddenly, Leo simultaneously punched all the fists towards Austin without hesitation.

The Nine Fists had a tremendous force that could sweep anything in its way, and Leo had hit the ceiling force to deliver vital blows to bring Austin down. He had used everything he learned in his lifetime.

On the other hand, Austin didn't dare take Leo lightly and got ready to fight. The nine-story golden pagoda shot out from his palm in a blink of an eye, and rushed all the way to his opponent's fists that were coming at him.

"Bang-bang!" a loud thud was heard.

All the nine fists had punched the golden pagoda at the same time.

The impact from the collision of the strong wave of vital energy force extended everywhere in different directions.

In the next moment, Austin's golden pagoda fell back and he quickly reached out his hands to retrieve it. As a result, he was also hit by the great force and went back with traces of blood on the corners of his lips.

'Okay, it seems that one Grand Pagoda didn't work! I did underestimate Leo!' Austin thought.

His eyes were fixed on the nine furious fists that loomed over Leo, and a crazy idea suddenly struck him like a hidden dagger. There was a playful glint in his eyes as he got more and more violent.

After a while, Austin drove the vital energy stone in his elixir field. The stone vibrated in response to Austin, as if it had been awakened from a deep slumber. Then, the many vital energy forces endlessly flowed out and rushed all the way to Austin's meridians, and made up the forces that had created the Grand Pagoda.

In just several breaths later, another Grand Pagoda was coming into being on Austin's palm.


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