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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4190

This isolation belt expanded for miles and was brimming with energy and laws that churned on its surface. From time to time, terrifying hurricanes of space and time would roll across it, howling and roaring.

Mixed in the belt, there were numerous lands of danger and lands of death.

It was so intimidating that not even a divine god would step into it without months of preparation.

As he flew to the isolation belt, Austin's face remained calm. He could feel the energy coming off of it and ruffling his hair. It was dangerous but he walked into it as if it were his backyard.

"Watch out, Austin! It's not safe there!"

Parker, Alethea and the other divine gods were behind him and they all held the same worried expression on their faces.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The second that Austin's foot made contact with the isolation belt, various attacks were activated.

Energy attack, law attack, array attack, and attacks from the land of danger and land of death all reared and headed for Austin.

In the face of so many attacks, Austin closed his eyes and focused on defending himself.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

One after the other, streaks of sword-light exited his body. They were each bright and thin and flew through the sky with ease.

The instant the attacks collided with the sword-light, they disintegrated and disappeared like snowflakes under sunshine.

After his trip to the Sword Cosmos, Austin had swordsmanship more advanced than any swordsman in the Sea of Chaos.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Sword-light continued to pour from Austin's body, spreading in every direction.

Soon, everything in the isolation belt, including all kinds of energy, laws, arrays, lands of danger, and lands of death, was destroyed. What had once appeared dangerous was weak in Austin's path.

"I can't believe it..."

Parker, Alethea, and all the other divine gods were watching with their mouths hanging open.

This whole time, Austin had been standing in the isolation belt with his hands behind his back. He seemed to have done nothing, but only moments later, he had successfully destroyed the entire isolation belt outside the Yellow Cosmos.

Not even a spot of it was left behind.

A seemingly boundless void began to replace the space where the huge isolation belt used to be.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Finally, the void where the Yellow Cosmos was situated was connected with the void of the outside world.

All the energy and laws in the chaotic void forced their way into the Yellow Cosmos in a hurry.

Everything was moving faster and faster. It was a lot for the onlookers to take in.

In the past, the isolation belt had separated the Yellow Cosmos from the outside worlds. As a result, the energy and laws in the outside could not provide for the Yellow Cosmos and it gradually became an inferior cosmos.

Now that the isolation belt had disappeared, the Yellow Cosmos had already begun to flourish again.

"Austin, you're incredible!

I can't even follow what you're doing with my own eyes.

You make me feel weak!"

Parker said. Frustration had covered his face.

"He's right. I didn't expect this much from you, Austin,"

Alethea added, sighing.

All the other divine gods also looked at Austin with amazement, as if he were a monster.

"Ha-ha. I'm flattered,"

Austin replied with a brilliant smile.

Now that it was safe, Austin, Parker, Alethea, and the other divine gods walked into the Yellow Cosmos to evaluate its progress.

On the inside, the Yellow Cosmos was very peaceful.

Sparkling stars dotted the sky, shining brightly. The black velvety sky behind them was magical, resembling a dream.

Austin looked up, finding many stars and constellations that he had known from childhood.

While back on Earth, Austin could only see these stars from the ground. Now, he could walk among them and take in their true beauty.

"The Yellow Cosmos is a beautiful display of stars!"

Austin exclaimed.

"That's right.

The stars are characteristic of the Yellow Cosmos.

In other cosmoses, there are many stars and worlds.

In the Yellow Cosmos, however, we only have stars. There are no worlds at all,"

Alethea explained.

Once they were done exploring, they moved on. Soon, they arrived at the void outside Earth.

From afar, the blue planet looked like a balloon.

Looking closer, they could see another isolation belt around Earth.

This isolation belt had been set up by Parker and some top divine gods before they left.

"Master Parker, there is no need for the isolation belt to exist around Earth.

Let me destroy it too,"

Austin requested.

"Okay. It has no use anymore."

Parker gave Austin a nod of approval.


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