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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4195

News of the approaching army spread fast through the Sea of Chaos.

Everyone was shocked to the core by Humphrey's fearless declaration of war.

Meanwhile, in a secret chamber deep in the void of the three thousand big and small universes,

Austin was sitting cross-legged, calmly comprehending the laws which his statue master had transferred into his Soul Sea.

These were all original chaotic laws, namely the law of polarity, the law of life, and the law of thunder.

Austin had already cultivated to such a stage that his spiritual soul energy and spiritual sense were stronger than those of ordinary governing gods.

Moreover, he had possession of the spiritual tree, the spiritual heart, the spiritual dragon, and even the Chaotic Ice Lotus, all of which were rare treasures that benefited the spiritual soul. These treasures could drastically enhance his comprehension ability.

On top of that, he also had the physique of the Chaotic Heaven Body, which had a natural affinity for all kinds of original chaotic laws.

Therefore, while it was almost unthinkable for other cultivators at his level or even above his level to comprehend the original chaotic laws, it was a piece of cake for him.

Besides, Austin had always had a passion for learning and growing. He would never stop until he had attained unbeatable strength, and maybe not even then. That was what made him a formidable foe.

"The law of polarity has entered the Rudimentary Stage!"

he exclaimed all of a sudden,

his eyes lighting up in excitement.

This meant that he had mastered another kind of original chaotic law.

"Now, I'm going to begin to comprehend the law of life,"

he murmured to himself.

But just then,

he received a message from Santos through spiritual sense,

informing him that Humphrey had begun to attack the six super forces.

He was a little disappointed that he would have to put his cultivation on hold for the time being,

but duty called.

The alliance was also one of the super forces, which meant that Humphrey could come to the three thousand big and small universes at any time.

Under such circumstances, it was impossible for Austin to cultivate in seclusion and meditate here anyway. It would be like going for a swim when the whole world was ending.

The approach of Humphrey's army was a sign that yet another tense era in the Sea of Chaos had arrived.

Naturally, none of the six super forces was willing to submit to Humphrey,

but they couldn't reason with him, either.

Since he had made up his mind to conquer the six super forces, they were all prepared to fight back with all their might.

Lost in thought, Austin walked out of the secret chamber and over to Santos.

"Austin, I've ordered every divine god in the three thousand big and small universes to make full preparations.

I've also sent about a dozen your genuine divine god slaves to the Yellow Cosmos.

If the situation deteriorates, the creatures in the Yellow Cosmos will be forcefully taken away,"

Santos explained as soon as he saw Austin.

"Thank you, master,"

Austin said, frowning in thought. "Which super force does Humphrey plan on dealing with first?"

Santos shook his head.

"I don't know yet,

but I hope it's not our three thousand big and small universes.


the divine gods will report back to me soon," he replied.

He had barely finished his sentence when the expression on his face changed.

Austin immediately knew that Santos must have gotten some information from his subordinates, so he looked expectantly at his master.

As he had guessed, Santos said,

"Humphrey is going to attack the Novel Court first.

His army is already heading towards their headquarters."

Austin nodded, and the frown on his face deepened.

"Well, that's far from surprising, isn't it?

The first super force that he chose to attack last time was also the Novel Court.

Of course, after he disappeared,

the troops of the Novel Court regained their headquarters and managed to rebuild it.

But I predicted that Humphrey would choose to attack a different super force.

It's interesting that he's actually quite stubborn on this matter."

Although his words weren't explicit, Santos knew exactly what he was thinking.

"You're right.

It once again proves that Humphrey and Ronnie are actually the same person."


All of a sudden, they heard a third voice coming from the chaotic void outside the three thousand big and small universes.

The next moment, the creature that the voice belonged to appeared in front of them, shrouded in mysterious law power that concealed its identity from head to toe.

Austin was taken aback at first,

but with his ability,

he could tell at a glance that the creature in front of him was a governing god.

"What is it?"

he asked calmly, knowing that this stranger's arrival must have something to do with Humphrey.


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