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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4196


Austin's avatar now raced through the void and headed for the headquarters of the Novel Court.

In addition to Austin, many other people crept towards the headquarters of the Novel Court. None of them wanted to miss a great battle.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As it marched, Humphrey's army was so powerful that it shook the whole Sea of Chaos.

There were thousands of soldiers, spreading all the way into the void tens of millions of miles away. They were packed shoulder to shoulder.

The swarm was approaching the headquarters of the Novel Court at a leisurely speed.

It took several hours

before they finally arrived at its gates

and besieged it.

"Here comes Master Humphrey!

People of the Novel Court, come out and welcome him!"

"All hail Master Humphrey!"

"It's time to come out! Kneel down and kowtow to Master Humphrey!"

Continuous shouts came from Humphrey's army as they threatened and teased the people inside.

There wasn't an inch of the headquarters of the Novel Court that wasn't surrounded.

From a distance, many hidden figures used their omnipotent skills to watch the battle unfold.

The shouts continued but no sound came from the headquarters.

It was as if there

were no living beings inside.

"Enough fooling around! Come out!"

"If you don't come out, we will destroy your headquarters and kill all of you!"

"This is your last chance!"

The shouts of the army were getting louder and louder.

Just when they were about to storm the gates, a voice interrupted them.

"This is the headquarters of the Novel Court. It is a sacred place and you cannot touch it.

Leave now.

Otherwise, you will be severely punished!"

The voice had come from inside the headquarters of the Novel Court.

There was a moment of silence.

Then the uproar resumed.

"How dare you!

How dare you talk to Master Humphrey like this!"

"You should know your place!

This is a capital crime and

we will punish you!

Master Humphrey is the ruler of the Sea of Chaos!

You must bow to him!"

"People of the Novel Court, come out immediately, kneel down in front of Master Humphrey, and kowtow! You'd better hope there is still a chance of his forgiveness!"

Fists shook and faces reddened as the soldiers continued to rant and rave.

When he heard all of this,

Humphrey, who was sitting on the throne in the middle of the army, suddenly opened his eyes.

From them, two beams of thick divine light shot out and crashed into the headquarters of the Novel Court.

Everything in their path, including energy, laws, and air, was completely destroyed.

The space was torn apart, leaving two gaping black holes.

"No way!"

The on-looking creatures covered their mouths and gasped.

"He's awesome!"

Austin exclaimed.

The power of the two beams of divine light alone was equal to a blow from a governing god.

Now he understood


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