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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4200

Everyone present had heard of Austin and the alliance before.

They couldn't believe that the leader of another super force was present among them.

"Nice to see you again, sir,"

Austin greeted politely, nodding at the two giant eyes of the huge face.

He was grateful that the huge face hadn't killed him back in the World of Darkness.

"I'm glad I spared you.

You're strong now,"

the huge face responded with a nod.

"Austin, how dare you ignore my edict!

The three thousand big and small universes must also be destroyed!"

Humphrey yelled as he glared at Austin.

However, Austin was only an avatar at the moment so Humphrey wouldn't gain anything from killing him.

"Are we done with visitors now?

I want to kill you all now!"

Humphrey roared.

Now, there were twenty-one governing gods in the headquarters of the Novel Court;

however, Humphrey was not afraid.

He believed he could wipe them all out with a single blow.

"Humphrey, you are too confident.

You can do nothing to the Novel Court

or any other super force,"

a governing god from the beast race spat.

"Yeah, sure!"

Humphrey shot back.



Humphrey's giant palm shot through the air.


This palm strike was destructive.

It didn't contain any skills or moves,

only pure strength.

The chaotic void in front of them burst into pieces, destroying everything nearby.

The governing gods looked up at the palm as it hovered over them.

"Let's fight him together!"

the twenty-one governing gods shouted in unison. Their faces were a mixture of fear and determination.

Humphrey was clearly stronger than they had imagined.

A small slap made the governing gods feel suffocated.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

All at once, they released their best powers and skills which mixed into one wave of energy that shot at Humphrey.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The attacks collided,

and endless energy, lights, and laws roamed out of control.

Some of the nearby creatures,

mainly the members of Humphrey's army, were blasted into pieces by the impact.

There weren't even bones left behind.


The survivors scattered.

They had been glad to follow Humphrey a moment ago. Now, their lives were at risk once more.

"Come on, guys! We can do it!"

The governing gods were feeling more confident now.

They attacked him relentlessly with moves containing the most brilliant energy, laws, and spiritual senses.

They were using everything the Sea of Chaos had taught them against Humphrey.

"You think you've outnumbered me?

It doesn't matter!"

Humphrey seemed unaffected by the attacks.


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