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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4201

"We can't fight him head-on.

He's too strong for us to handle.

Let's stick to our plan and set up the Unstoppable Beast Array,"

the governing god of the beast race roared.

"Got it."

The other governing gods agreed immediately.

Out of options, they didn't want to charge at Humphrey and risk being eaten.

Immediately, the twenty-one governing gods stepped back and formed a straight line.

Billions of small array flags appeared in front of each of them.

Each one was filled with a shocking amount of energy.

Made of rare materials, each was equivalent to a top divine magic treasure.

All at once, they began moving their hands.

Shoop! Shoop! Shoop!

The array flags rose and floated in the void.

In the meanwhile, the thirty original chaotic laws that had come from the depths of the headquarters of the Novel Court transformed into thirty massive light columns of different colors.

They shielded the void, making it almost impossible to see things around.

Then all the chaotic magic treasures suspended above the headquarters of the Novel Court began spinning.


the governing gods combined all of it,

creating a huge array.

This array was powerful and it had only begun taking shape.

Mysterious runes were carved on the outside, containing many secrets of space and time.

The light coming off of it caused many creatures to feel light-headed.

'It must be a very advanced array because

I can't perceive inside it with my spiritual sense.

It's crazy that there's still arrays I don't know about,'

Austin thought as he stared curiously at the array.

'An Unstoppable Beast Array! That sounds like it comes from the beast race.

They shouldn't be underestimated.'

When he saw the array,

Humphrey paused in his tracks.

Obviously, Humphrey recognized how much more complicated this array would be.

But he chose to keep moving.

He was convinced that he was the most powerful being in the Sea of Chaos,

and nothing could be a threat to him.

He approached the Unstoppable Beast Array at an impressive speed.

"It's just an array. It can't hold me back," Humphrey said.

His voice rumbled the void and

every step the giant beast took

shook the void vigorously.

"Get the array up and running!"

the governing god of the beast race instructed in a booming voice.

With a yell, all the governing gods began to activate the Unstoppable Beast Array.

In a few seconds,

the array charged at the beast.

The giant beast threw its head back and growled.

It then charged at the array.


The giant beast collided with the magic array.

There was no loud noise like everyone had expected.

Instead, the magic array grew bigger and enveloped the beast.

Suddenly, the giant beast was gone.

"Ha-ha! Humphrey, we tricked you.

The Unstoppable Beast Array is a trapping array.

Even though you are much stronger than us, it can still capture you,"

the governing god of the beast race said triumphantly.

"Did we really trap him?"

The other governing gods were slower to realize what had happened.

The Unstoppable Beast Array was provided by the beast race.

According to the governing god of the beast race, it could hold Humphrey and buy them more time to think about how to deal with him.

However, none of them were sure whether the magic array was powerful enough.

They watched it like a hawk.

Just as they were beginning to feel relieved,

the magic array began shaking vigorously.


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