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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4235

Humphrey was undoubtedly strong.

The twenty-one governing gods who joined hands to fight against him were easily defeated.

By now, every creature in the Sea of Chaos knew how powerful Humphrey was.

No one ever dared to challenge Humphrey as the strongest figure in the Sea of Chaos any more.

But now, in the Fallen Divine Valley, these unremarkable transparent ripples had forced Humphrey to stumble back twice.

It was inconceivable how powerful these transparent ripples were.

"Ha-ha! Don't you believe me yet?

Your arrogance has no place here.

If you are smart enough like you think you are,

you should turn around, get out of here right now, and never come back!

You should know by now that you can't afford to offend me!"

The tiger mocked Humphrey with an air of triumph.

The other zodiac animals also laughed, pointing at him.

"Save your insignificant words! The Fallen Divine Valley shall be destroyed!"

Humphrey, in the form of a giant beast, roared furiously.

It let out a thunderous cry,

its billowing sound waves spreading throughout the Sea of Chaos.

It opened its large foul mouth

as it rushed forward for another strike.

The large mouth kept expanding and devoured everything in its way.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The mouth with its razor sharp teeth and massive fangs, like a dark abyss, released an amazing devouring power. Everything in front of it was helplessly sucked in.

In a short moment, it had swallowed up all the unsuspecting voids around the Fallen Divine Valley.

It grew larger, threatening to swallow the Fallen Divine Valley in one gulp,

when all of a sudden,

transparent chains, which were like arrows,

constantly shook and stretched out.

They were condensed by powerful laws, emitting a strong law aura.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The chains went straight for the large mouth.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Foul smelling blood spurted and flowed out through the sides.

Apparently, the mouth had suffered massive, multiple stab wounds, caused by the chains.

Another angry roar

came from the bleeding mouth.

Humphrey was now extremely upset. He had never been challenged like this before.

From the depths of the Fallen Divine Valley,

more transparent law chains were continuously launched and shot towards Humphrey's mouth.

More blood spurted out of the mouth and some mangled flesh started to show.


Humphrey appears to be injured!"

a creature screamed as he pointed to Humphrey's mouth soaked and dripping with blood.

Most of the creatures who were watching were extremely shocked.

"What?! The invincible Humphrey is finally injured!"

"I can't believe my eyes!"

"Is this really happening?

I thought Humphrey was invincible in the Sea of Chaos!"

Many creatures were in a state of shock at what they saw.

Humphrey, who could not be defeated even when twenty-one governing gods joined hands to attack him, was now seriously injured!

For most creatures around, this development was such a shocking scene to watch. They couldn't believe this.

Humphrey's army fell into silence, dumbfounded.

"Humphrey, it seems that you are ignorant about how powerful we really are!"

The twelve zodiac animals burst into laughter, once more openly mocking him.


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