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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4236

At this moment, Humphrey stood still in the chaotic void, his eyes still fixed on the depths of the Fallen Divine Valley.

He clenched his fists as flames of fury became visible in his eyes. An aura of extreme anger and exasperation enveloped him from head to toe.

At the same time, the space around him kept fluctuating and deforming. There was an eerie atmosphere accompanied by an unbearable pressure in the air, causing the space to collapse and disintegrate.

However, instead of taking action, Humphrey didn't move and tried his best to subdue his wrath.

"Fallen Divine Valley... I'll keep this in mind. We're not done yet.

Everybody, retreat!"

After a long while, Humphrey finally uttered these words through gritted teeth.

Immediately after, he turned around and vanished in an instant.

His soldiers, who surrounded the entire Fallen Divine Valley, were all stunned. They couldn't help but stare at each other, utterly shocked at what just happened.

It took quite a while before they realized that Humphrey had actually retreated from the Fallen Divine Valley.

The news quickly spread, and all the powerful cultivators in the Sea of Chaos were also surprised at what they heard.

Humphrey had been famous for being invincible. However, as he tried to take the Fallen Divine Valley on, he encountered a more terrifying opponent. Later on, he didn't expect that he would be forced to retreat without gaining anything.

Because of Humphrey's defeat in the Fallen Divine Valley, all the creatures had relived their fear and awe towards this legendary forbidden area.

In the past, several governing gods also attempted to break into this area, but they utterly failed. Now, history repeated as Humphrey tried to force his way and got the same result.

The Fallen Divine Valley had once again proved that it was the most mysterious, horrifying, and powerful forbidden area in the entire Sea of Chaos. Its reputation wasn't just a mere legend.

"Hey! Let us leave!

Master Humphrey has already issued the order to retreat!"

Eventually, Humphrey's soldiers regained their senses and gradually retreated with their minds in a state of mess.

They ran away like flood water.

On the other hand, the twelve zodiac animals burst into hearty laughter in the sky above the Fallen Divine Valley as they saw how Humphrey and his men finally gave up. They sneered on their army, deeply satisfied with the outcome of the battle.

"From now on, we shall not provoke the Fallen Divine Valley."

This order was issued to all the headquarters of several super forces in the Sea of Chaos.

"The Fallen Divine Valley is just too mysterious and terrifying. We don't even know the real identities behind the people controlling that place!

Anyone should immediately avoid the people of the Fallen Divine Valley once you meet them!"

The powerful forces made their declaration clear so that they could avoid any unnecessary trouble.

It could be said that this battle had made the entire Sea of Chaos truly recognize the superiority of the Fallen Divine Valley.

No one expected that even Humphrey would give up and retreat from it, fearing for his own life.

With that, a jubilant atmosphere hovered in the Fallen Divine Valley.

"Come back, all of you."

The twelve zodiac animals then received the message from their master.

Without delay, they returned to the hidden square at the center of the Fallen Divine Valley using their top speed.

"It's amazing!

Master, did you see Humphrey's face when you successfully get his ass kicked with your wisdom and omnipotent skills?"

"That's what he gets! He's a disgusting arrogant bastard. Now he must know that he can't always get what he wants!"

The twelve zodiac animals were all very excited. They stood in front of the tall statue and discussed everything that had happened.

"We can't be too careless now. I was forced to fight Humphrey earlier.

It also means that my aura has probably been exposed."

The statue suddenly let out a sigh as the zodiac animals chatted.

Suddenly, the joyous expressions on the faces of the twelve zodiac animals were wiped off. Hearing their master's words, they realized the consequences of their victory for the first time.

As they all turned silent, they quickly knew what their master meant.

After all, their master had been hiding in the statue for many, many years. He had to conceal every bit of his aura lest his enemy would find him.

"Although I'm not a hundred percent sure, there's a huge possibility that he had noticed my aura,"

the statue sighed.

"Master, you just revealed a little bit of your aura. There is still a chance that you have not exposed yourself."

The sky-devouring dog tried to be optimistic.

"Do you really think so?"

the statue looked intently at the sky-devouring dog and asked flatly.

Hearing the tone of its master, the sky-devouring dog fell silent.

It had to admit that it only said those words to console itself and have a false sense of positivity.

"Anyway, we must get ready.

It is highly possible that my old enemy will come for me at any time.

Right now, I'm no match for him.

Thus, there is no other way but to escape.

Although we might not even make it, that's the only chance we can take for now,"

the statue said in a low and gloomy voice.


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