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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4264


Move your asses and hurry up!"

Hearing Austin's words, both Winslow and the superior elder felt a freezing chill run down their spines.

They knew that once Austin took action, the people of the Purple Sword Sect would have no way to retaliate.

They had been attacking him for quite some time while he stood still, but he had remained unharmed.

Given his overwhelming and matchless power, if he fought back, the consequences would be beyond description to anyone who dared.

However, Austin had lost interest in the ordinary people of the Purple Sword Sect. They had been nothing but a waste of time.

He was only interested in the divine gods.


Austin began to run after them.

In an instant, he had caught up with more than a dozen of the divine gods.

As he tightened his concentration,

a faint sword light slashed out.

This was the Ultimate Mind Sword Skill with its incredible speed and power which could cause irreversible damage to any governing god.

Naturally, the divine gods of the Purple Sword Sect were defenseless against it.

The sword light released a hair-raising sword aura, forcing the divine gods to flee.

In the face of this faint-looking yet powerful sword light, they felt death knocking at the door. It did not make sense to advance any further.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Afterwards, numerous overwhelming red silk threads shot out of Austin's Soul Sea and entered the Soul Seas of the divine gods who were trying to escape.


Immediately, the divine gods began to struggle painfully from within. The terror in their eyes was evident as they helplessly felt the brutal attacks of the red silk threads in their Soul Seas.

"Brat, what the hell did you do to them?"

Seeing this, Winslow was terrified, shocked and angry.

"Be patient, old man. It'll be your turn soon,"

Austin said and chuckled with a menacing grin.

In no time, the helpless divine gods were successfully subdued by Austin and became his slaves.

Austin didn't feel the need to ask them to kneel in public, in case the other divine gods of the Purple Sword Sect would resist too fiercely. He did not want to take that chance.

Those who had a strong character and valued their dignity would rather die than be slaves to anyone.

Austin turned around and chased the remaining divine gods.


Run as fast as you can!"

Winslow and the superior elder screamed at their troops. They also launched attacks on Austin to slow him down.

They knew very well that the people of the Purple Sword Sect were defenseless against the young man in front of them.

The only option left for them was to run away.

Try as they might, Austin's bodily movement skill was incredibly fast and they couldn't catch up with him at all.

They could only eat the dust after him.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Wherever Austin went, thousands of red silk threads were continuously thrown out and drilled into the Soul Seas of the divine gods within reach. One by one, they were subdued and turned into slaves.

Austin had successfully subdued Elder Roland, someone who had the strength of a semi-governing god. The poor elder had become his obedient slave.

With a high-level capture such as Elder Roland, Austin's attainments in the Puppet Strings were further improved.

He now had the ability to subdue anyone and convert them into slaves much faster.

The people of the Purple Sword Sect gave up attacking and began to run away as fast and as far away as they could.

"Pfft! As if I'd run after pieces of shit like them!" Austin sneered. He was only interested in chasing after divine gods.

With his bodily movement skill and the power of the Ultimate Mind Sword Skill, no divine god that he had set his eyes on could escape.

In a few short moments,

Austin had already subdued a large group of confused and terrified divine gods.


Austin turned around to look at Winslow and the superior elder.

He knew that they were both semi-governing gods.

"I tried to prolong it as much as I could, but now it's your turn."

Austin stared at Winslow and the superior elder, like a hungry eagle stalking its prey.

"Lad, what the hell did you do to them?"

A furious Winslow roared at Austin.

He just witnessed a large number of divine gods of the Purple Sword Sect stop running and stand still obediently. Their eyes looked blank as if their souls had been sucked out of their bodies.


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