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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4265


Screams of pain burst out of Elder Reggie as the attack left a severe injury on his body.

Without a moment's thought, Austin chased after him.

More holes appeared on his body when Austin performed the Ultimate Mind Sword Skill.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

A myriad of red strings shot out from Austin's Soul Sea and rained down on Elder Reggie.

Since several powerful blows hit him already, Elder Reggie was far from his peak and couldn't resist the attacks of the red strings.

Tens of thousands of red strings rushed into his Soul Sea and arrived at his spiritual soul, tying it up in an instant.

"Damn it! What the hell are these? Get out of my body!"

Fear bloomed on Elder Reggie's face as he gathered all his spiritual sense energy in an attempt to drive the red strings out.

At the same time, numerous secret weapons appeared in his Soul Sea and were quickly activated. Under his control, they immediately began to attack the red strings.

Spiritual soul arrays also emerged from his Soul Sea one after another.

Being a semi-governing god, Elder Reggie had plenty of magic treasures and resources to spare.

Since the spiritual soul was the most important yet most fragile part of a cultivator, he invested plenty of resources to safeguard it.

As a result, Austin couldn't turn Elder Reggie into his slave in one go.

"A semi-governing god is more difficult to handle than an ordinary divine gods.

Well then,

looks like it'll take a while to control him."

Austin sighed as he shook his head.

Therefore, he kept using the Ultimate Mind Sword Skill to rain down attacks on Elder Reggie until he passed out.

After making sure he wouldn't wake, Austin sent him into one of his human worlds.

By the time Austin was done, the leader of the Purple Sword Sect, Winslow, was nowhere to be found.

It took only one look for him to realize that he wouldn't be able to save Elder Reggie from Austin's hands. Hence, he made a difficult decision and ran away with his tail between his legs.

If he stayed a moment longer, he knew that he wouldn't be able to get away with his life.

Even the other members of the Purple Sword Sect took their leader's cue and fled as fast as they could.

Since Austin wasn't a ruthless killer, he just let them leave.

It was enough that the leader and a superior elder of the Purple Sword Sect led their army to attack the Lin Clan, only to end up being publicly defeated and forced to flee in a panic.

All of it was because of Austin. It was because of him alone that they ended up victorious.


The entire army of the Purple Sword Sect lost to that brat!"

"He defeated an entire army alone, and we're talking about the Purple Sword Sect's army! This is unbelievable!"

"What kind of monster is this guy?"

"His name will echo far and wide because of this fight!

He's awesome!

From now on, there will be another big shot in the Sword Cosmos.

And it's just a young man!"

Many onlookers lurked in the distant void and couldn't help but stare at Austin in shock when the battle concluded. They couldn't believe what they had just witnessed.

"Master, that was a landslide victory!"

"You showed your great power and kicked the asses of the Purple Sword Sect!"

"Master, you're invincible!"

Hundreds of divine god slaves excitedly showered Austin with compliments.

Even the slaves he just recently controlled had nothing but praise for him.

Over eight hundred divine god slaves stood behind Austin.

All of them were from the Purple Sword Sect.

Having more than eight hundred divine gods who cultivated sword skills was more than enough to match a powerful sect in the Sword Cosmos.

"Mr. Lin defeated the troops of the Purple Sword Sect on his own once again!"

"Even Winslow was no match for him!"

Behind Austin, the members of the Lin Clan from the Red Sword City couldn't help but be shaken.

"Congratulations, Mr. Lin! You won!" Garth said loudly.

He quickly came forward along with the senior members of the Lin Clan and surrounded Austin.

"Maple, my future brother-in-law is awesome!


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