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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4266

"Yes, sir!" the other members of the Lin Clan replied in chorus.

As Garth gave the order, the members of the Lin Clan were divided into two teams.

Garth was tasked to lead one team to the headquarters of the Purple Sword Sect with Austin, while the other team stayed in the Red Sword City to gather all their properties and be ready to leave at any time.

"Gregory, Maple, you stay here,"

Garth intently said to his children.

There was a high possibility of a fierce battle once they reached the headquarters of the Purple Sword Sect and he didn't want them to be caught in the middle of such danger.

"Gregory, you stay here. I'll go with Dad!"

Maple said.

"No! Maple, it is too risky.

I can't let you go with me."

Garth was not going to let it happen.

"You can't stop me, Dad. I've made up my mind!"

Maple replied decisively.

"Maple, you..."

Garth didn't know what to say.

He knew that it was almost impossible to talk his daughter into changing her mind once she made a decision. Reluctantly, he had to agree.

Seeing this, Gregory also insisted going with them. But Garth merely snapped at him and ordered him to stay in the Red Sword City. Gregory didn't dare to defy his father so he had no choice but to stay behind.

At that same moment, Austin took off and rushed towards the headquarters of the Purple Sword Sect followed by hundreds of divine god slaves.

"Mr. Lin, wait for me!" Garth shouted after him.

He sped up with Maple to catch up with Austin and his men.

At this point,

roars of anger rang out from the Purple Divine Mountain, the central location of the headquarters of the Purple Sword Sect.

It was so loud that it shook the entire mountain. "Aaarrgghhhh!

Bloody hell!

Curse that damned brat.

We failed to annihilate the Lin Clan because of him."

"We have become a laughingstock because of this failure.

It's quite the humiliation.

We must get even and have our revenge!

I bet we can tear that brat into a countless bits and pieces!"

"There is no way that his actions can be forgiven. We must make him pay a heavy price for all that he has done to us!"

As soon as he returned to the Purple Divine Mountain, Winslow couldn't help fuming on both ends and roared hysterically.

So did the other senior members of the Purple Sword Sect. What happened earlier that day shocked them to the core and made their blood boil.

'We have suffered a great loss!

And it is more painful knowing that we were defeated by a young man with a questionable background.

Worst of all, we not only lost hundreds of divine gods,

but we also lost two superior elders who have fallen into his hands.

This is a huge embarrassment to our force!' they thought to themselves.

When Winslow eventually calmed down, he held a meeting in the massive hall of the palace. All the high-ranking figures of the Purple Sword Sect attended the meeting.

After hearing what had happened, most of the senior leaders proposed to send a much larger army to hunt down Austin.

The whole time, Winslow and the remaining two superior elders remained silent.

"Everyone, calm down!

Listen to me!"

All of a sudden, Winslow interrupted the discussions.

All the core members turned to look at Winslow almost at the same time.

"Everyone, what happened today is indeed an unforgiveable humiliation to our sect.

We and that brat are sworn enemies now.

Nonetheless, we have to admit that he is much too powerful for us.

Even if we work together, we might not be able to bring him down.

So we can't act on impulse. We have very little wiggle room for mistakes.

Most importantly, we can't get carried away!"

Winslow addressed his men.

"Sir, was that young man whom you speak of, really that powerful?

Do you concede that we can't take him out even when we give it our all?"

a senior member asked.

He was one of the high-ranking members who had never been to the Red Sword City. For this reason alone, he hadn't witnessed Austin's fighting power.

"Our leader is right.

That guy is indeed mysterious and unfathomable.

We should stay away from him for the time being.

Otherwise, we will be in a whole lot of trouble.


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