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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4313

These people were the former subordinates of Sword Son Curry.

They all felt excited just after hearing the name of the Curry Sword Sect.

After all, the word "Curry" had a special meaning to them, and it was enough to confirm their conjecture.

"We should prepare ourselves to follow Master Curry and conquer the Sword Cosmos again!"

"A new era is finally coming!"

"I believe that Master Curry is the true leader of the Sword Cosmos. Under his rule, everything should become great again!"

All of these subordinates of Sword Son Curry were full of expectations, eager to relive the glory days of the cosmos once more.

Even though it was already quite a long time ago, the bright period when Sword Son Curry ruled the Sword Cosmos was still very vivid in their minds.

Now that they could feel that the return of Sword Son Curry was drawing near, they couldn't help but be consumed with righteous ardor.


Nonsense! It's so obvious that this is just Austin's ploy to go against the four major forces!"

"That's right! Sword Son Curry was the true mastermind behind Austin's actions.

He is the one who's pulling the strings from the background!"

"That Sword Son Curry is one ambitious old man. He's still trying to regain the ruling power of the Sword Cosmos after all this time?"

The senior leaders of the four major forces couldn't hide their exasperation when they heard that the Curry Sword Sect was established.

"Sword Son Curry is still alive! He's back!"

"He's definitely back for revenge!"

In addition to the four major forces, several other sects, who had heard of the news, were greatly surprised.

They couldn't help but get anxious since most of them joined the four major forces in the past to dethrone Sword Son Curry from ruling the Sword Cosmos.

Now that the rumors of his return were widely spreading, all of them started worrying that they might become targets of his revenge.

For a brief moment, the entire Sword Cosmos paid close attention to the newly established force.

It was as if their every movement was being monitored for any scoop that might arise.

Meanwhile, on the Divine Sword Mountain...

"Ha-ha! It really happened."

Sword Son Curry let out a hearty laugh.

With his powerful spiritual sense, he could easily perceive what was happening outside this mountain. Currently, he noticed that there were a lot of people who couldn't stop discussing the Curry Sword Sect.

Of course, he also knew that the reason why Austin eagerly established this sect was to help him rule the Sword Cosmos again.

"Well, just let him do what he wants."

Sword Son Curry just shook his head and smiled faintly.

Actually, there was still a part of him that wished to rule the Sword Cosmos again.

After all, his master, Master Sword, was the original leader of the Sword Cosmos.

Then, the leadership was passed on to his four seniors after the disappearance of Master Sword.

However, his four seniors had also disappeared one after another.

Therefore, it came to a point that Sword Son Curry had to take the responsibility and rule over the Sword Cosmos himself.

He was a good leader and many people loved him. However, the peaceful times didn't last that long. Several forces staged a rebellion and even colluded with the troops of other supreme universes. Everything was motivated by their greed for power and wealth.

In the end, even the powerful Sword Son Curry was seriously injured and needed to escape from the Sword Cosmos.

The ruling power of the cosmos was originally inherited from Master Sword,

but due to unfortunate series of events, it slipped off from the hands of Sword Son Curry.

Therefore, it was just normal for him to feel guilty.

The truth was he didn't have much interest in ruling the Sword Cosmos. However, since it used to be his master's, he attached great importance to it. Thus, he still hoped to get it back one day.

'Master, seniors, where are you right now? Are you still alive somewhere?'

Sword Son Curry became a little bit sentimental as he looked into the distance, reminiscing the good old days.

Over the years, he didn't stop thinking about his master and seniors. They all just disappeared, so he still hoped that they would be back someday.

Meanwhile, in the Purple Sword World,

Austin sat in a hall of a magnificent palace.

The Purple Sword World had become the headquarters of the Curry Sword Sect.

From here, Austin planned to run the sect while strategizing his ultimate vision of retaking the entire Sword Cosmos.

At this moment, more than thirty semi-governing gods were reporting to him about the sect's routines.

In the past few days, everything seemed to run smoothly. The activities of the Curry Sword Sect had been carried in an orderly way.

After all, many of Austin's slaves were leaders or superior elders of their former sects. Thus, they were very familiar with running and managing a sect.

"Master, as of now, our sect has established ten branches, and each of them is already performing its own duties and functions.

Everything is running accordingly,"


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