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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4314

The two governing gods of the Blade Cosmos showed complete and utmost kindness to Austin. Moreover, they sounded quite sincere.

It was obvious how much they wanted Austin to be on their side.

"Just like the old saying goes, the man who can recognize the facts of a situation is a paragon of men.

We will grow even stronger and become rulers of all the supreme universes in the future.

Therefore, we can guarantee a bright future for you if you choose to join us!

That should be enough for you to know which path to take."

The two governing gods smiled. They seemed awfully confident that Austin would agree.

"Oh? Is that so?

I didn't quite expect that you have such a grand ambition.

Your main goal is really to dominate all the supreme universes?

Well, then I'm sorry to disappoint you. I have always felt indifferent to fame and fortune. Aside from that, I'm very lazy.

Conquering numerous supreme universes must be really tiresome. I'm not interested in it at all.

Therefore, I refuse."

A playfully arrogant smile appeared on Austin's face.

Hearing this, the two governing gods narrowed their eyes. The expressions on their faces changed from genial to cold.

"Austin, are you really rejecting this opportunity to join us?"

one of the governing gods asked in a menacing tone.

"If so, then from now on, you will be treated as our enemy.

We will hunt you down wherever you go. There's no escaping us.

But if you agree to join us, you will have a great future ahead of you.

Think carefully before you make your choice, Austin. You only have this one chance,"

the other governing god warned Austin.

"I think I have made myself perfectly clear. I'm not interested in joining you at all. I refuse your offer.

It doesn't matter to me if we become enemies.

You see, I don't usually stir up trouble unless other people provoke me first.

If you dare to do so, don't blame me for responding crudely,"

Austin replied impassively, with his hands behind his back.

"How impudent!"

Obviously, the two governing gods became furious at Austin's indifferent attitude.

All of a sudden, severely oppressive blade radiance burst from their bodies. This caused massive whirlwinds that could cut the surrounding void into pieces.

"Ah. Do you want to fight?"

Austin taunted them.

He had once fought a dozen governing gods of the Sword Cosmos all by himself.

Thus, facing two governing gods of the Blade Cosmos didn't scare him at all.

"Humph! How arrogant!"

There was a darkened look on both governing gods' faces. Their auras were grim and sinister.

In spite of that, they immediately remembered Austin's terrible fighting power.

If they were being honest, they might not be able to defeat Austin.

As a result, they just forced themselves to suppress their anger and decided not to make a move.

"Just wait and see, Austin.

We won't forget about what you said.

I hope you won't regret your decision,"

one of the governing gods warned coldly.

After that, they turned around and used the law of space to go deeper into the void. As they were preparing to leave, Austin spoke.

"Ah. There's one more thing I'd like to say.

You'd better leave the Sword Cosmos at once.

Otherwise, when I'm ruling the Sword Cosmos, I will personally come after you.

When that time comes, you will meet your doom,"

Austin forewarned in a terrifyingly calm tone.

When they heard this, the two governing gods stopped in their tracks. Rage filled their heads.

"Humph! Such insolence!" one of them muttered.


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