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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4319

Warner and Emmet were infamous in the Sword Cosmos for their cruelty to the point that even the governing gods of the four major forces wanted to avoid confronting them.

But despite that, Austin didn't show a hint of fear towards them at all.

After all, his reputation was even worse than theirs in the Sword Cosmos. He had killed so many people and even turned them into his slaves. What was left for him to fear?

"What the hell?

He's just a genuine premium-grade divine god?

That weakling dares to track me down? Don't make me laugh!"

A surprised expression appeared on the face of the black shadow. He was currently in the depths of the void in the Ethereal World and observing what was happening.

"Is he Austin Lin of the Curry Sword Sect?

People in the Sword Cosmos have been talking about that brat nonstop.

So, is it true that he's from the Lower World?"

the red shadow also asked in confusion.

"Ha-ha! This is laughable. This guy is the one giving a hard time to those governing gods from the four major forces?

How is that even possible?

I bet some people just fabricated the truth about him and spread false information deliberately. I think they're just exaggerating the fact about his power,"

the black shadow said condescendingly.

"I guess so too.

It's just insane. A young man who is just a genuine premium-grade divine god is like a tiny insect before us!"

The red shadow couldn't agree more with him.

"But still, I've got to commend his resolve.

He had the guts to break into the Ethereal World with his men. It annoys me so much that he doesn't seem to take us seriously.

He's stupid, naive, and arrogant. These kinds of people die young.

People praised his bravery and it immediately made his head big enough to think that he's invincible.

How pitiful! Now that he had entered the Ethereal World, he has no chance of making it out alive,"

the black shadow declared with a sinister smile.

"But there's still something I don't understand.

Isn't it strange that many semi-governing gods are so willing to serve under his command?

Is he from some extremely influential force or clan?"

The red shadow furrowed his brows as he guessed.

He couldn't help but notice the powerful semi-governing gods who followed behind Austin.

"Humph! I don't care who he is.

His status won't save him.

Even if the people of the four major forces invoke our fury, we will show them no mercy.

He is already doomed no matter what because he messed with the wrong persons."

The black shadow let out a defiant sneer.

"You're right. This guy's army is nothing to be afraid of. After all, even the governing gods of the four major forces wouldn't want us as their enemies,"

the red shadow said complacently.

"Well, let us see how things will go. We'll let the Twelve Ethereal Guards deal with them first.

Each of them has the strength of a semi-governing god. If they can already bring that brat down, then he really is just all talk,"

the red shadow suggested.

"All right. Let's do that.

Let's not waste our time with this brat needlessly."

The black shadow nodded repeatedly, agreeing with his comrade's idea.

At that moment, Austin was already walking with his men inside the Ethereal World.

"Hmm. This place is filled with malicious aura. All the people residing here are oozing with evil intent," Austin remarked.

He instantly perceived that in the distance, several fierce creatures were glaring at them.


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