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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4320

Austin could tell that the Twelve Ethereal Guards were remarkably strong. Even though they were only semi-governing gods, their strength was far higher than that of ordinary semi-governing gods.

Despite that, they weren't going to pose a danger to him.

Therefore, he disregarded them completely.

"How dare you talk to my master like that? Do you want a kiss from death herself?"

"That's right! You look like someone with a death wish.

Get over here, kneel before my master, and apologize!

Otherwise, I will tear you into a million bits!"

Austin's divine god slaves roared at the Ethereal Guards, pointing at him with trembling fingers. They had all flown into a rage as soon as they'd heard the insults.

Austin was a superior being to them. They wouldn't allow anyone to disrespect him.

"Huh! That guy?

He is a mere genuine premium-grade divine god and doesn't deserve to be your master.

If you honestly believe that you should give him such regards, then you are just a bunch of idiots. Shame on you!

You know what? This land will be glad to be rid of you and killing you will be a heavenly deed in my book!"

the tall, thin man replied coldly.

Waves upon waves of energy rushed out of his body like a mighty ocean the instant he finished his sentence.

"There's no point in wasting our time talking to these people. Getting rid of these losers will be a child's play, so let's just get it over with!"

"You're right. The sooner we can finish our tasks, the sooner we can report to our superiors!"

The Twelve Ethereal Guards were running out of patience now and it was visible from their eyes, from where ferocity and killing intent were struggling to rush out.

"Master, I have had enough of these guys.

How dare they speak ill of you? I am going to exterminate them like the pests they are!"

"Yes, master. Give the order and we will bring them down!"

Austin's slaves, particularly those who were semi-governing gods, began crying in rage.

"If you want to fight, then go ahead."

Austin nodded at them.

"Come on!"

The divine gods charged at the Twelve Ethereal Guards as soon as they got Austin's permission.

The scene was incredible. Hundreds of divine gods were rushing towards a dozen semi-governing gods, roaring cries of confidence.

"There are quite a few of them, but they're still not a match for us!"

The Twelve Ethereal Guards let out a derisive snort as they watched the divine gods approaching. There was no trace of fear in their eyes.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A horde of Austin's slaves clashed with the guards and a fierce battle broke out.

All of Austin's slaves were sword cultivators. They performed various extraordinary sword skills and their performance produced brilliant sword radiances which filled the battlefield.

The Twelve Ethereal Guards were swordsmen as well.

However, their sword moves were much more powerful and mysterious. They were practicing some sort of a cold swordsmanship. Each of their moves produced a sword light whose aura caused a sharp drop in the temperature of their surroundings.

Moreover, their sword techniques were based on death, decay, erosion, and darkness. Hence, the sword light they released was dark and erosive.

There were about a dozen semi governing gods and hundreds of genuine divine gods in Austin's army, all of whom were locked in a fierce and intense battle with the Twelve Ethereal Guards.

Austin was staying behind his slaves and silently observing his enemies.

'There are massive amounts of the great cosmos force in the energy that the Twelve Ethereal Guards' sword skills are releasing. That's what makes them so powerful compared to others at their level.

However, their great cosmos force is highly disordered and difficult to control. If one were to organize that force and control it, he'd have incredible powers.'

He was continuously observing the Twelve Ethereal Guards and noticing their strengths and weaknesses.

As for his slaves, the Twelve Ethereal Guards soon had the upper hand over them. Looking at the former, they laughed triumphantly.

"Do you think you can win just because you outnumber us?

Kneel immediately and confess! Beg for forgiveness or every single one of you will die!" one of them roared.

Austin's slaves were losing their ground and were forced to retreat.

As they stepped back,

a figure approached Austin all of a sudden.

He was one of the Twelve Ethereal Guards: a middle-aged man, clad entirely in black with a ferocious look on his face.


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