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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4322


With a terrifying aura, the bright flying sword flew across the sky at the speed of lightning and chased after the eleven guards.

Naturally, both its speed and power were astonishing.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Immediately after, the guards were slashed by the vicious flying sword.


The very next moment, the bodies of the eleven guards were cut into countless pieces.

Their blood and bones splashed and scattered everywhere.


At the same time, miserable screams echoed in the void.

Austin wasted no time and rushed forward. He waved his sleeve and attempted to capture their spiritual souls. He also collected all their broken limbs, flesh, bones, and blood before imprisoning them.

However, at this moment,

something unexpected suddenly happened.

Boom! Boom!

In the starry sky of the Ethereal World, two beams of black sword-lights flashed over. They carried an enormous amount of chaotic energy and the pressure they contained shook the entire sky.


The sword-lights came after Austin, shattering the space wherever they passed by.

"Humph! Those bastards!"

Austin was more annoyed than shocked. He knew instantly that Warner and Emmet were the ones behind this attack.


With his quick reflexes, Austin opened his mouth and let out his flying sword.

Clang! Clang!

The flying sword collided with the black sword-lights, creating an almost deafening noise.

Upon impact, the fierce sword energy dispersed and exploded on the spot, generating huge mushroom clouds that soared into the sky.

In an instant, the starry sky fell into chaos, turning into a dark vacuum zone.

'Hmm. I guess it's true that Warner and Emmet are on a different level than those governing gods from the four major forces,'

Austin thought to himself after seeing the scale of destruction made from the clash of their attacks.

Soon enough, he also noticed that the eleven guards had disappeared. It turned out that Warner and Emmet's attack served as a distraction so that their subordinates could escape.

"Don't waste my time! If you want to face me, just come out and fight me head-on!

Stop hiding in the dark, you cowards!"

Austin taunted Warner and Emmet and looked intently at the direction where the two were staying.

"What did he just say? This guy is so fucking arrogant!"

Both Warner and Emmet couldn't prevent themselves from cursing because of exasperation.

They couldn't believe Austin's audacity to talk trash against them. Even the governing gods of the four major forces had to show respect when facing them.

However, this young man dared to speak to them like they were even beneath his level.

They had not suffered this kind of humiliation in their entire lives. Obviously, they were fuming in rage.

"But this guy's fighting power is very unusual.

I don't think he has even shown his real strength yet,"

Emmet said through gritted teeth.

"I remembered them saying that he once fought a dozen governing gods but was able to stand his ground against them.

I know he's strong, but that's a little exaggerated!

We'd better find out the extent of his real strength first before we personally engage him,"

Emmet proposed.

Between Warner and him, he was always the cautious one.

"You're worrying too much.

Of course, that story is full of exaggeration! Where can you find a genuine premium-grade divine god who fought against a dozen governing gods and lived?!

Only those who are foolish enough would believe that kind of bullshit!"

Warner exclaimed, plainly denying the thought that Austin was at their level.

"All right. How about this?

Those old guys from the four major forces wanted to kill this brat so badly, right?

Why don't we contact them and ask them to come here?

If we joined hands with them, then we can surely finish off this guy in no time,"

Emmet suggested.

"What the hell are you implying?

You want to team up with those old guys just to deal with this brat?

Is that even necessary?

We can beat the shit out of this guy!"

Warner strongly expressed his disapproval.

"But we can't be too careless!

This guy has been the talk of the entire Sword Cosmos recently. We haven't seen his real strength. We don't know if he's still hiding some incredible skills. You've seen how he effortlessly dismembered the Twelve Ethereal Guards,"

Emmet still argued his side.


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