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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4321

The middle-aged man initially dismissed Austin's potency. He thought of him as feeble and decrepit―no better than an ant.

But the young man had exceeded his expectations and more. He stood there, absolutely dumbfounded with the power Austin held. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't even damage him for one bit.

This unforeseen event trampled the middle-aged man's pride.

Although embarrassed, he did his best to conceal it. He kept giving his best attacks on Austin. However, no matter how hard he kept on fighting, his enemy remained unscathed. Exhausted, he eventually threw the white flag and gave up.

He was overcome with frustration and bewilderment.

"Something's definitely going on.

He is still uninjured after all those attacks! This guy cannot be killed!"

The other eleven guards couldn't take off their eyes at the battle. They were just as thunderstruck as the middle-aged man.

"Brat, tell me, what tricks are you playing?

How could you defend through my attacks for this long? Something is amiss."

The middle-aged man who failed to hurt Austin angrily demanded an explanation.

"Tch. Boring.

I don't owe you answers. Why don't you go to hell?"

Austin shook his head.

He concentrated deeply,

and a faint sword light appeared that went straight towards the middle-aged man.

Austin had performed the Ultimate Mind Sword Skill.

With him getting better at swordsmanship, the skill he unleashed was more potent by tenfold.

He could even injure the governing god using this technique at his current state.

The Twelve Ethereal Guards were just semi-governing gods.

Compared to the governing gods, they were much weaker. Hence, Austin's skill would be more effective at their level.

"Brat, you..."

The middle-aged man was unable to finish his sentence—Austin didn't give him a chance. The sword light was already incoming at lightning speed towards him. As he realized this, his eyes widened in fear and panic and he simply remained motionless like a deer in the headlights.

Then, as soon as the attack was released,

crisp sounds were heard from his body.

The other eleven guards couldn't believe what they just witnessed. They had their mouths wide open in sheer shock—they were speechless.

Under their startled gaze,

his body broke into a dozen pieces,

leaving blood and bones everywhere.

Austin had pillaged all the valuable things from the middle-aged man before he attacked.

This was a habit that Austin had developed over the years. It was deeply rooted in his system that it was difficult to change it.

Thanks to this practice, his wealth was beyond imagination. Plus, no treasures would be wasted once he annihilated his victims.

"What the hell ?"

The other eleven guards were all nonplussed. They switched their gazes from Austin to their former companion's carcass.

Everything happened so fast that they had a hard time processing what transpired.

Their comrade was killed in a heartbeat. He couldn't even defend himself before he died.

Austin's display of strength sent a chill down their spines.

They were at a loss for words. It was a rollercoaster of emotions—they were dumbstruck, enraged, and fearful all at the same time.

Warner and Emmet spent most of their time in cultivation so they seldom showed up in public. Hence, their most trusted underlings—the Twelve Ethereal Guards were the ones in charge of the Ethereal World.

The Twelve Ethereal Guards were held to a high standard. They were highly respected and everyone revered them.

They had lots of men at their disposal, and they ruled the Ethereal World together.

Working together as a team, they were all in service of Warner and Emmet. Therefore, they got on well.

The twelve of them held a great power—people from all over the Ethereal World would take orders from them in one go.

They represented power and status.

However, just like that, one of them got killed. To make matters worse, the young man who slaughtered their companion did not even break a sweat.

If this got out, their reputation would be damaged.

None of the Twelve Ethereal Guards had seen this coming.

At the beginning of the fight, they were complacent. They were certain that they would win this battle easily. How could they not think so? After all, they had their enemy outnumbered and they were significantly stronger than him—or so they thought.

Surprisingly, Austin's strength was beyond their imagination. He had turned the tide.

The Ethereal Guards were brimming with unexplainable rage and annoyance.

"That was amazing, master!"

"You are invincible! No cultivator could ever be your match!"

Austin's divine god slaves cheered up and excitedly boosted his morale. On the other hand, the remaining Ethereal Guards were seething with rage—they were terribly insulted.

''How dare you lay a hand on us, brat?

You've committed a capital offense. We will execute you,"

the eleven Ethereal Guards roared, simmering with anger.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!


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