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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4331

"No matter what the result of this battle may be, the young man named Austin will be forever famous because of this fight.

He will become a sensation that will shake the entire Sword Cosmos.

I'm sure that his story will be passed down from generation to generation,"

Emmet said softly as he watched the intense battle.

Although the fierce fight was taking place in the Ethereal World, and there weren't that many people around,

many powerful figures from faraway places were actually observing the fight through their omnipotent skills.

At the same time, a few masters, who were very good at predicting things, were seeing this event through their brilliant deduction skills.

In this battle, two powerful forces were involved.

Austin, and the Curry Sword Sect that he had just built, was fighting for the side of Sword Son Curry.

On the other hand, the four major forces were already a long time enemy of the previous ruler.

The result of this warfare would inevitably determine which force would rule the Sword Cosmos in the future.

Therefore, naturally, all the masters in the cosmos kept a close eye on it.

"I agree. This brat is so powerful despite his young age. He is indeed a rare talent,"

even Warner complimented without any prejudice.

"However, he's definitely doomed today.

It's ironic to think that this battle will bring him so much fame, but this will also be the end of his life," Warner remarked.

Even though he admired Austin's strength, he still wanted the young man to die so badly.

Meanwhile, in the raging battle, one of Austin's versions got hit.

His body exploded on the spot, and his flesh and blood splashed in all directions.

The other two versions of Austin were also besieged, thus they had to hurriedly step back.

Even the over three hundred deities couldn't resist the attacks of more than twenty governing gods. Due to their overwhelming power, the deities were thrown in the air one after another.

The deities were formed by the essence of Austin's flesh. Hence, they weren't real living things.

Even if they were destroyed, they could reappear again.

'It looks like I gave myself too much credit this time.'

Austin couldn't help but smile bitterly.

'A mere genuine premium-grade divine god is going against over twenty governing gods. I guess that even in their wildest dreams, people wouldn't dare to think about it.

However, if I want to get out of this and defeat them, I need to be stronger,' Austin thought to himself. His eyes were still filled with burning determination.

As the battle dragged on, the governing gods were more eager to strike Austin down.

After all, they couldn't face the humiliation when people found out that there were so many of them, but they couldn't defeat a young man, who was inferior to them.

"Kill him! This is our best chance to get rid of him! Otherwise, we'll never live in peace!

He will always be a threat to our forces ruling the Sword Cosmos!" a governing god of the Flying Immortal Sword Sect shouted.

He exuded an authoritative aura since he was older than most of the governing gods present.

"You're right!"

"We can't let this brat live anymore!"

With their secret skills, the other governing gods turned into giants, surrounded Austin, and threw a barrage of vicious attacks.

One of the governing gods thrust his golden sword at Austin.

His exquisite sword emitted brilliant golden lights that illuminated the entire abyss.

Clang! Austin also brandished his flying sword at the golden sword, sending it flying away. Meanwhile, magnanimous sparks were produced here and there.

Austin's best offensive skills right now were the Flying Swordsmanship and the Ultimate Mind Sword Skill.

Thanks to them, he had managed to block off most of the attacks from the governing gods and kept them at bay.

Of course, the five truths of swordsmanship and the world of swordsmanship in his body provided him with a steady flow of energy to boost his attacks.

If it weren't for them, he might have not held on until this point.

Meanwhile, another three governing gods unleashed their swords and rushed towards the three versions of Austin.

Right now, they were bombarding Austins with their attacks.

"Come on!" Austin roared.

In an instant, the bright flying sword slashed out, smacking away the three sharp swords of the governing gods. The sound of metals clashing reverberated in the air.

So far, Austin was actually at a disadvantage. He could defend himself well, but he couldn't be the one on the offensive.

"Ha-ha! What are you going to do now, Austin? Have you admitted to yourself that you messed with the wrong people?

However, it's too late now. Just stop resisting and die a swift death!"

Rollins said as he launched another attack on Austin.

"You're so chatty. I'll kill you first so I can shut your mouth!"

Austin retorted mockingly.

The very next moment,

all of his three versions and the one hundred deities swarmed towards Rollins and attacked him.

Austin got annoyed at him, so he dropped all his defenses and focused on flooding his powerful attacks on Rollins.

"Finish him!"


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