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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4332

The battle between Austin and the governing gods raged on.


Emmet signaled Warner through his spiritual sense.

Together, they wielded various gestures with their hands and arms. Accordingly, numerous runes with mysterious aura appeared one by one.

Soon after,

the abyss began to shake, starting off with mild tremors.

Then, somewhere in the midst of it,

a thick mist made of great cosmos force moved rapidly like boiling water that was about to burst out.

Hardly noticeable, a cruel smile appeared on the faces of both Warner and Emmet.

At this point, Austin and the governing gods suffered varying degrees of injuries.

However, Austin was in a horrible condition. Deep cuts could be seen on almost every part of his body.

Compared to his opponents, he was at a notable disadvantage.

After all, he was heavily outnumbered.

"He can't hold on much longer!"

"We must grab this chance and take him out today!"

Thirsty for Austin's death, murderous looks flashed on the faces of the governing gods of the four major forces.

Just then,

Warner burst into laughter.

His sinister voice echoed throughout the abyss.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In an instant, an astonishing amount of great cosmos force went violent in the abyss. Like a trapped beast, it moved around angrily, producing strong tormenting winds.

Meanwhile, an energy vortex moving in a counterclockwise direction appeared between Warner and Emmet and dragged the great cosmos force nearby toward their bodies.

Judging by the auras emitted from their bodies, they grew stronger every second.

As more and more great cosmos force was transferred to them, their eyes flashed of such confidence as if they could do anything.

Watching the scene unfold, Austin and the governing gods were taken by great surprise.

'The great cosmos force in the abyss contains all kinds of impurities.

The truth is, it is not safe for cultivators to absorb it.

However, Warner and Emmet are absorbing the great cosmos force like there's no tomorrow.

Legend has it that Warner and Emmet know the method to refine the great cosmos force. It seems like the legend is indeed true,' they thought to themselves in amazement.

The governing gods of the four major forces and Austin felt a mix respect and fear of the chaotic great cosmos force there, and tried their best to stay away from it.

But Warner and Emmet felt no such thing and greedily absorbed it. It only proved that the legend about them was true.

"Brat, this time, you really are going to hell!"

In perfect synchrony and terrifying force, Warner and Emmet made their move, directly towards Austin!

Swish! Swish!

A sword as black as the dark night appeared in Warner's hand while a blood-colored sword materialized in Emmet's hand.

The two swords were connected and formed a dazzling array, raging at Austin.

As Warner and Emmet launched their attack on Austin,

a deafening sound rang out in the abyss.

It was caused by the great cosmos force.

There was so much force that it released terrifying energy blasts.

At that moment,

Austin felt that he was in grave danger.

It was only now that he realized why Warner and Emmet had lured him to this abyss.

'It turns out that they had planned to put an end to my life using the great cosmos force here,' Austin thought, utterly shocked at the realization.

Swish! Swish!

The black sword and the red sword attacked Austin at lightning speed.

At the same time,

the great cosmos force nearby shot towards him too.

"Come on!"

Austin summon all the strength he could muster and tried his best to counter the attack.


Austin's body was seamlessly cut into pieces by both swords.


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