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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4353

"That's right.

I think so too,"

a governing god immediately echoed.

"That makes sense.

In fact, what he's suggesting is highly possible.

If their combined power really is undefeatable, how come none of them have ever left the Ethereal World to fight the four major forces for dominion over the Sword Cosmos?

Why have they isolated themselves in that godforsaken world?"

another master also raised a question.

"Very well. Since we all agree that things with Warner and Emmet aren't as simple as they seem, let's try to deduce what is going on with them,"

the red-faced governing god suggested.


the other governing gods nodded in agreement.

Each of them had secret skills which allowed them to work through puzzles, questions and what-not.

It wasn't long before they'd arrived at the correct conclusion.

"It is as we expected it to be.

Warner and Emmet are at their strongest only in the abyss of the eye of the Sword Cosmos. That is where their power is greatest.

Anywhere else, their strength is vastly reduced,"

the governing gods had all reached the same conclusion.

"So, if we want to kill them, we must ambush them!"

a hale old man came up with a plan.

"Yes, that's it! As long as we don't fight with them in the eye of the cosmos, we have nothing to fear.

To that end, I suggest we enter the Ethereal World in secret and besiege Warner and Emmet with a surprise attack.

If they are unable to get close to the eye of the cosmos, they won't be able to utilize the great cosmos force for fighting and then, we can kill them!"

the old man added.

"Good idea!"

The other governing gods seconded with his plan.

"Well, it looks like we've all reached a consensus.

To deal with Warner and Emmet, we must carry out a sneak attack.

We enter the Ethereal World in secret and ambush them.

However, we must remember that the success of our plan depends on them being away from the eye of the cosmos. We must not let the two of them get close to the eye!"

the red-faced governing god concluded in a stern voice.

"As for Austin, I think dealing with him will be easier than taking care of Warner and Emmet.

No matter how powerful he is, he can't compare with the duo's combined sword power.

Once we have subdued Warner and Emmet, we'll gather a few dozen governing gods and kill him in one go,"

a governing god uttered in confidence.

"I have an idea as well.

I've heard that the Blade Cosmos once invited Austin to join them.

Surprisingly, he refused and even provoked them, which led to a conflict that still stands.

People say that the Blade Cosmos wants to kill Austin as well.

I say we work with the Blade Cosmos to deal with Austin.

Their power is easily comparable to ours.

If we join hands, I am certain it won't be too difficult to get rid of Austin once and for all,"

a thin governing god with cold sights suddenly piped in.


You think we should join hands with the Blade Cosmos?"

The other governing gods were stunned.

No one knew whether this was the right move or not.

It had been a long time since the Blade Cosmos and the Sword Cosmos didn't see eye to eye with each other. It was unlikely that they could start cooperating so abruptly.

After a while, one of the governing gods broke the silence.

"Well, there is no harm in trying.

By now, we are all aware that our enmities don't end with the Blade Cosmos. Austin, Warner, and Emmet are all great threats to us all.

With so many of our enemies, we must be clever in dealing with them.

What I am trying to say is,

we can bend our rules a bit whilst fighting out enemies.

To that end, I have an idea. Why don't we join hands with the Blade Cosmos to defeat Austin, Warner, and Emmet?

When the fight starts, we can let them fight each other to the death. In any case, we'll have one less problem to deal with.


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