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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4354

At this point in Austin's cultivation, he had already stored a substantial amount of great cosmos force in his body.

So far, this advanced energy had already occupied a certain proportion in his body.

The aura it gave off was beyond Austin's imagination. His strength grew more and more powerful with each passing second.

His entire physique gleamed―a dazzling divine light, which made him look sacred and solemn.

As if they were alive, mysterious runes hovered and wandered around his body, and in his blood and flesh. There was a warm and familiar glow all over.

This sight was an unusual phenomenon―these radiant runes could only be seen when one's physical body was cultivated to the extreme.

"I can feel it!" Austin excitedly exclaimed. "I am indeed much stronger!"

He could feel it coursing in his veins, in his system, in every fiber of his being. Immense power surged in his body like untamable waves of the sea.

"Unparalleled power is coursing within me!"

Austin murmured confidently to himself. Even he was astounded with this progress.

'Of course, this is just the beginning!

My next goal is to change all the energy in my body into the great cosmos force!'

he mentally decided.

Over the past few years, Austin had been cultivating in seclusion. Hence, the proportion of the great cosmos force in his body was about one-tenth by now.

Before he started, the ratio inside him was roughly around one over ten thousand.

One could only infer how much advancement he had undergone over the years―the energy structure in Austin's body went in a qualitative leap.

His objective was to transform all the energy in his body into the great cosmos force to make it denser.

Although he was itching to achieve this state as soon as possible, he knew that developments like these would take time, and rushing things could be counterproductive.

"It's best if I take a rest for now."

Austin stood up and walked out of the small world.

"Ah, yes! You have finally finished the cultivation in seclusion, master!"

Warner and Emmet were patiently waiting in the distance. When they saw Austin reappear, they were beside themselves―they were enthusiastic to hear about what their master had to tell. Like lightning, they turned into two streaks of light, swiftly moving in Austin's direction. In just a split second, they were in front of their master, respectfully bowing.

"Yes, I have."

Austin nodded slightly, acknowledging his two slaves.

"Wow! The great cosmos force you are emitting is truly compelling!"

Both of them felt the aura Austin released. They were thunderstruck!

Since they possessed a deeper understanding of the great cosmos force, they genuinely comprehended the advancement Austin made.

"Master, you have stored so much great cosmos force in your body! This is amazing.

Warner and I also used to collect and use the chaotic great cosmos force to fight against our enemies. However, we found it difficult to translate it into our own energy.

Otherwise, we wouldn't have to stay in the Ethereal World. We would have spread chaos and dominated places farther!"

Emmet commended his master.

"I see.

I can grasp how it went for you guys,"

Austin responded, pondering over the two's situation before he subdued them with the red puppet strings.

Years of cultivating the secret skill about the great cosmos force brought immense knowledge within him. It felt like he was very proficient in it.

Warner and Emmet only cultivated part of the skill―their version was incomplete.

At best, they could only temporarily make use of the chaotic great cosmos force to increase their own power when fighting against the enemy.

Refining and transforming the great cosmos force into their own energy was a very taxing mission for them. It was challenging, and the progress it brought was slow.

Therefore, they were trapped in the Ethereal World, to some degree,

because this was the only place abundant with great cosmos force.

Once they left the Ethereal World, they would have no supply of enough great cosmos force. They were entirely reliant on the provision the Ethereal World had.

However, Austin's case was different.

He had managed to cultivate the complete method!

In just a few years, he had absorbed and refined a great deal of great cosmos force.

As they stood in front of their master,

Warner and Emmet felt an incomparable energy from Austin.

"Master, we are delighted that you have succeeded in thoroughly learning this skill,"

Warner genuinely mentioned.

"That's right.

Your satisfaction is ours, master,"

Emmet echoed with a nod.

"By the way, more and more strangers have appeared around the Ethereal World these days.

I think they should be from the four major forces of the Sword Cosmos or the Blade Cosmos.

These governing gods look like they're going to stop at nothing, master,"

Warner suddenly informed.



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