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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4396

"I will freaking kill every single one of you!"

Austin roared. His body was studded with countless runes and multiple colorful lights. The bright sword radiance protected his body like splendid feathers that blocked all attacks against him.

Although the eight governing gods of the Long Sword Sect had launched their most powerful attacks, he had no reason to be afraid at all, considering his excellent defenses. Almost ignoring their strikes, he continued to step forward.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The fierce battle made the universe rumble and roll. Violent mushroom clouds resulting from multiple explosions rose into the air in succession.


With the long sword in his hand, Austin was invincible and all powerful. He slashed into the body of one of the governing gods with the sharp sword and the divine blood splashed everywhere in the sky.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

As everyone watched in disbelief, Austin quickly used his sword and cut off the governing god's limbs. He carved out his abdomen and chest cavity, ripping out his organs.


a small black sword flew out from within Austin

and sliced through the spiritual soul of the governing god.


Help me!"

The governing god screamed and begged as he felt death knocking on his door. He was so terrified that his soul flew out of his body. He cried out for help and desperately tried to run away.

"You pathetic fool! You are an embarrassment to your sect!"

Austin burst into laughter as he called out after the fleeing governing god. The immense great cosmos force poured out, covered the long sword in his hand, and chased after him.

At the same time, he activated the Mind Sword Skill, the Ultimate Mind Sword Skill, and the God-slaying Sword, all ready to attack.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Under a series of terrifying attacks, the body of the governing god burst into thousands of pieces.

Even his spiritual soul was ripped apart.


The governing god let out an ear-splitting scream.

He was more than seriously injured, almost beyond repair.

His spiritual soul was broken into more than ten major pieces, which had never happened to any other governing god before!

For someone in their realm, physical injury was nothing to be worried about,

because he boasted endless life energy and an immortal body. It could be repaired and reconstructed in no time.

However, any damage to the spiritual soul could be fatal,

because the spiritual soul was the most important part of any creature.


Everyone... Someone... Help me!

This bastard will completely end my life if you don't do something about it!"

The governing god was scared out of his wits. He knew clearly that he was going to be wiped out from this cosmos.

He had dedicated his entire life to cultivation and had finally become a governing god. He had enjoyed a high status and was respected as an ancestor in the Sword Cosmos. He didn't want to die in a shameful and ridiculous manner like this.

The stronger a warrior was, the more he would have achieved, and the more reluctant he was to die.

"Austin, you son of a bitch, stop it now!"

The other seven governing gods of the Long Sword Sect yelled out in fear.

They didn't expect that Austin could beat their comrade so badly in such a short time.

If it went on like this, there was a strong possibility that the governing god would really die in Austin's hands.

Governing gods were the most important foundation for any sect.

Their death would be a massive blow to that foundation, and it would instantly weaken the overall strength of the sect.

Therefore, with all their might, the other seven governing gods rushed over to save him.


The great cosmos force inside Austin's body was released like a raging flood.

As a result, Austin's aura soared to an appalling level.

"Go to hell, all of you!"

Austin roared. He clashed directly with the seven governing gods and faced them head on.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Austin had the advantage in energy and was not at all afraid of a direct collision. The long sword in his hand was like a massive divine mountain, slashing in all directions and ripping through time and space.



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