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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4397

At this particular moment, the entire universe became deathly silent. No one dared to speak, and the creatures tried their best to hold their breaths.

Everyone who saw what just happened was utterly stunned. They couldn't believe what their eyes witnessed.

Austin grabbed the governing god as if he was just a pebble along the road. There simply was no effort.

Right now, all eyes were focused on the young man.

They were still in disbelief at what just happened and weren't sure if it was really true or not.

"Well, I think governing gods are not that powerful as people claimed to be,"

Austin said in a flat tone as he lifted the governing god in the air with one hand.

These words were heard by everybody. With a smirk on his face, he looked pretty arrogant and domineering

When all the other creatures heard this, their hearts skipped a beat.

Dumbfounded by the sudden turn of events, they were secretly guessing how terrifying Austin's strength had really become.

In this fierce battle against the eight governing gods of the Long Sword Sect, Austin had actually gained the upper hand so easily and even managed to restrain one of them effortlessly.

Obviously, such a feat was unprecedented in the Sword Cosmos.

Today's battle would be marked in the history of the cosmos and would surely be told to generations to come.

As of now, it could be safely said that Austin was the most powerful warrior in the Sword Cosmos.


Let go of me, you imbecile!"

The governing god, who was still being held by Austin's hand, struggled desperately, feeling so ashamed at his condition.

"Shut up, you weakling!" Austin shouted coldly.

Under the control of his mind, a massive amount of runic laws appeared and merged with the great cosmos force. They eventually turned into a chain that entangled the governing god.

Without the strength to break free, he was tied up so tightly.

"Austin! How dare you do this to me? Let me go or you'll pay dearly for this!"

the governing god roared furiously. All he could do was to hurl empty threats because he couldn't do anything to escape.


Out of nowhere, his body began to burn intensely.

At the same time, streams of dense auras continuously spurted out of his body that eventually cut off the chain that tied his whole body. However, Austin's hand was still tightly grabbing on him.

"Ha-ha. You're so desperate to escape that you'll burn your body intentionally?"

Austin let out an indifferent smile as he mocked the governing god.

With his outrageous stunt, the entire body of the governing god was badly injured. He used a self-destructing method just to get out of Austin's grasp but still failed. Now, he had to pay the consequence for his actions.

"Face us, Austin! Did you forget that we're still here?"

the seven governing gods roared at the same time and rushed over, trying to protect their comrade.

"Fine! I'll deal with you as well!"

Austin snapped back.

Boom! Boom!

Immediately after, boundless great cosmos force, sword energy, law energy, and even spiritual energy dashed forward ferociously.

Each of these energies contained an overwhelming power that could exert tremendous pressure on all these governing gods.


The governing god in Austin's hand let out an agonizing scream. With all the damage inflicted on him, he couldn't move even an inch anymore.

He was actually almost an immortal being, but he felt that he was about to die.

With Austin suppressing him, he was rendered motionless. All he could do was screaming at the top of his lungs.

"If you're not going to do anything, just shut the hell up. Your voice is irritating me!"

Eventually, the governing god had lost all strength to resist. Austin then sent the governing god into one of his human worlds in his body.

"Are you seeing this?

Austin has completely restrained a governing god!

A governing god from one of the four major forces!"

"That's just too inconceivable!"

In the distance, the onlookers were in an uproar.

'Governing gods could actually be defeated?'

Most of these creatures couldn't help but wonder as they watched this mind-boggling scene.

In the past, a governing god was superior and invincible in every creature's eyes. That was how it had been before Austin appeared.

Now, everyone saw with their own eyes that a supposedly omnipotent governing god could be trampled upon. Moreover, the one who did this was a mere young man.

Thus, at this very moment, the status of the governing gods was changed drastically. They were no longer untouchable in the eyes of these creatures.

"Austin! Release him right now!"

the leader of the Long Sword Sect roared in exasperation as he rushed towards the young man.

He wanted to save his comrade at all costs because losing a governing god would instantly reduce the overall strength of a sect.


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