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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4459

"Austin, what is it that you want?"

a middle-aged man in a yellow robe asked, as he stared intently at Austin.

He was the sect leader of the Sky Sword Sect.

It had been his idea that all the members of the Sky Sword Sect move out of their headquarters to get away from Austin.

There were more than ten divine gods standing on the star, and each of them was highly vigilant, fearing that Austin might attack without warning.

But even if he did, there was not much they could do to stop him. The divine gods felt the extraordinary pressure exuded by Austin, as they fearfully faced the lone man.

He was more powerful than all of them put together.

"What do you think I want?"

Austin asked indifferently, with his hands behind his back. It was difficult to say whether he was happy or angry.

A powerful aura pervaded in the starry sky. Austin looked down at the star, and like a god, his body was shrouded in a bright light.

"Austin, you rule over the Sword Cosmos now, and the members of the Sky Sword Sect have decided to live in seclusion. We don't care about the matters of the Sword Cosmos anymore. Do you still wish to kill all of us?"

an elder of the Sky Sword Sect asked.

"Are you really living in seclusion?" Austin questioned with a wicked smile.

"During the battle between the Sword Cosmos and the Blade Cosmos, as members of the Sword Cosmos, not only did you ignore the battle, but you also lurked nearby to spy on me and try to kill me when the time was right.

Is there any reason why I should let you live? If you have a reasonable explanation, let me hear it,"

he said with a sneer.

The governing gods of the Sky Sword Sect didn't answer. They were dumbstruck.

"Austin! The five of us are not part of the Sky Sword Sect. We have no grudge against you.

This has nothing to do with us."

The five governing gods cupped their hands in front of Austin, leaving the star with utmost urgency.

"I am aware that you are not from the Sky Sword Sect. But still, here you are, with the members of the Sky Sword Sect. I believe that your presence here has something to do with me.

Besides, as governing gods of the Sword Cosmos, you should have fought alongside me in the battle.

Yet, you stayed behind to conspire with these people to betray me,"

Austin said in a calm tone.

"How did you..."

The governing gods didn't expect that Austin would find everything out so quickly. They were too scared to even retort.

The five of them did conspire with the senior leaders of the Sky Sword Sect to bring down Austin.

While he was fighting against more than forty governing gods of the Blade Cosmos, they had stayed hidden nearby, watching the battle unfold.

They had planned to launch a surprise attack on him once he showed signs of defeat, or when the two sides reached a draw. But Austin had remained undefeated till the end.

"Austin, that was wrong of us. We admit it.

From this moment forth, we will stay out of the public eye and never interfere in the affairs of the Sword Cosmos, and we will never think of harming you again,"

the sect leader of the Sky Sword Sect pleaded in a low voice.

"Yes, Austin! That's right.

From now on, we will no longer meddle in the matters of the Sword Cosmos and live in seclusion,"

the five governing gods added immediately.

They were fully aware that if a fight broke out at that moment, they will be killed without mercy. They had all witnessed what had happened to all those governing gods of the Blade Cosmos.

Even if the ten or so governing gods fought him together, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Thus, they intended to quickly make peace with Austin.

Austin burst into laughter. The space around them trembled. He looked at the governing gods and then at the leader of the sect.

"It is a bit too late for apologies, don't you think?

You have already showed your murderous intent towards me. How can I pretend like nothing happened just because you are sorry now?"

The expressions on the governing gods' faces changed.

One of them snarled, "What else do you need?"

The sect leader, however, tried to keep his calm for the sake of the members. "We have apologized to you and also promised that we would not go against you in the future.

Are you still going to kill all the members of the Sky Sword Sect for the foolish mistake of the past?"

he asked, cupping his hands at Austin.

"I want you to pay the price for what you have done!"

Austin roared. His aura soared high and he launched a fierce attack.


A shiny little sword, emitting a very dangerous energy pressure, flew across the sky and instantly reached one of the governing gods.

It was the Sword-converging Skill he had used in the battle against the army of the Blade Cosmos.


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