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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4460

The re-appearance of members of the Sky Sword Sect caused quite a stir in the entire Sword Cosmos.

The governing gods of the three super forces were watching the scene from afar.

They were interested in seeing what Austin's course of action was going to be.

The four major forces were presently hiding in embarrassment.

Although they were still there,

they had been forced into keeping a low profile and being extra vigilant because of Austin.

The man was weighing like a heavy mountain on their shoulders and they were under tremendous pressure these days.

The four super forces had once been the rulers of the Sword Cosmos.

And now, they were in one of the most awkward possible situations ever.

As the battle continued,

the governing gods of the Sky Sword Sect went all out against Austin, and yet, they failed to gain the upper hand.

Austin dodged and resisted all attacks. Then he suddenly used his bodily movement skill and rushed towards one of the governing gods.

In the blink of an eye, he delivered a punch at the master, sending the latter flying away. Where Austin's punch had landed was a gaping hole on the governing god's body, and blood was gushing forth like a geyser.

Before the governing god could reach the ground, Austin was over him like a ghost and then stomped on him, shattering his body into a million pieces.

"Stop that!" roared the leader of the Sky Sword Sect in frustration.

Giving off a strong sword aura, the leader dashed towards Austin with a silver sword in each hand.

He waved the weapons at Austin, producing a silver sword radiance that rushed towards its target eagerly.

With a sneer, Austin strode forward and swung his own sword at the leader.

Clang! Clang!

The three weapons collided and there was a dull, metallic clang.

The leader was forced to step back due to the impact and his swords were thrown into the air.

As he steadied himself, he saw a black sword approaching his head rapidly.

There was an air about the sword that made his hair stand on end and

the leader let out a terrified scream.

He gathered all his spiritual sense to protect his Soul Sea and summoned numerous secret spiritual soul weapons. As soon as they were activated, they flew out of his Soul Sea to withstand the incoming blow.

As the sect leader, his inventory was remarkable, to say the least.

However, all his efforts were useless.

With a sword in his hand, Austin dashed towards him with a look that showed his determination. Nothing was going to stop Austin as he inched closer rapidly, with his sword emitting a dazzling light.

He had infused the sword with the great cosmos force and the energy of swordsmanship.


The leader was cut into half like butter.

The next moment,

the black God-slaying Sword hit his spiritual soul as well.


the leader let out a horrific scream.

Damage to the spiritual soul caused him extreme pain.

"Sir, let us help you!"

Four governing gods of the Sky Sword Sect rushed towards the leader; or rather, what was left of him in the form of his spiritual soul.

"You can't even save your own skin. How do you plan on helping him?"

Austin scorned.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Within just a few moments, he had sent the governing gods flying away. When he fought at his full might, these stupid cultivators were nothing to him.


Austin employed several secret skills simultaneously and merged them into a single strike. The combined power formed a streak of lightning which cracked into the body of those governing gods. With a thunderous roar, blood was splashed all over the sky.

The battle raged on further.

Austin activated his bodily movement skill, and was suddenly everywhere, dashing from one opponent to the next and within moments,

they had all suffered heavy injuries.

Austin had beaten them up and they were in very bad shape.

If their wounds had been solely physical, the governing gods would have simply healed themselves.

The problem was that

their spiritual souls had suffered terrible injuries.

"It is likely that a few governing gods will perish here today."


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