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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4461

Hearing what the sect leader of the Sky Sword Sect had to say, Austin laughed with his long sword pointed at the leader.

"Your Sky Sword Sect tried to assassinate me.

If you had had the chance during that battle, you would have sprung into action.

And now, since you are at my mercy, you want me to let it go just like that? Do you really think I'm the kind of person who lets go of grudges so easily?

Do you think I'm that benevolent?"

Austin asked.

The sect leader held his head low in silence.

The governing gods of the Sky Sword Sect and the other five governing gods who didn't belong to the sect stood in dismay. They had no will to fight.

"Austin, what would you have us do? What do you want from us? Do you really want to annihilate our entire sect?"

the sect leader of the Sky Sword Sect asked Austin humbly.

"Austin, please tell us what you want. If you let us live, we will follow you for the rest of our lives and obey your orders without question."

One of the five governing gods that didn't belong to the Sky Sword Sect begged for some sort of negotiation.

The five of them had been persuaded by the Sky Sword Sect to join them in plotting against Austin.

Now, they regretted their decision.

They had no one to blame except themselves for their fate.

The consequence of provoking Austin was too much to bear.

"Words are meaningless.

I don't trust you, and I never will,

unless you make the Heavenly Vow and surrender to me right now,"

Austin said flatly.

The Heavenly Vow was an ancient secret skill that had long been lost. Austin had learnt it from the supreme grandmaster of the Long Sword Sect.

Once a Heavenly Vow was made, it could not be broken without serious consequences.

Once the vow was broken, the person would no longer be able to cultivate or use any law.

For a governing god, that would be equivalent to losing at least half of his fighting power.

So, powerful warriors at the level of governing gods would not dare to break the Heavenly Vows they made.

Contrary to that, this kind of high-level secret skill did not have much binding force on weaker creatures.

And Austin's secret skill of the Puppet Strings would be useless against a governing god.

Herein, came the Heavenly Vow. It was the best way to keep all these governing gods under his control.

"The Heavenly Vow?!"

The color drained out of their faces as the five governing gods gasped in shock.

The senior leaders of the Long Sword Sect were fated to follow Austin's every word because they had made a Heavenly Vow.

Every governing god in the Sword Cosmos had heard about it.


Why? You're unwilling to do so?"

Austin asked with a scoff.

The governing gods looked at each other hesitantly.

What could they do?

Once they made the Heavenly Vow, they would have to earnestly follow Austin's orders.

Even the thought of that hurt their pride.

Governing gods were the most powerful existence in the universe. It was them that always ordered the others to do their bidding and not the other way around.

However, they didn't seem to have much choice in the current situation.

"Don't waste my time.

I am not known for my patience,"

Austin said coldly.

Considering his current strength and the trump cards in his possession, these governing gods meant nothing to him.

If they surrendered, he could send them to run errands for him at best.

If he couldn't subdue them, he'd rather just kill them, or mutilate and lock them up for good.

"Hurry up! I don't have all day!


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