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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4486

"That's good to hear,"

Austin said, smiling.

He never wanted to hurt these wood puppets anyway.

Instead, he planned to use the Puppet Strings to control them and force them to reveal their methods of cultivating mind power.

But the puppets were unexpectedly and doggedly avoiding all his attempts.

They even brought their spiritual souls to the point of explosion in order to fight back.

"Austin, you've just come to this supreme universe, but you've already offended two great races.

The wood puppet race and the face race are relatively powerful.

And each race is guarded by governing gods.

We will be in big trouble soon,"

the gnome said, frowning.

"Either way, we will stand by your side as we fight them together,"

Asa assured him as he patted Austin's shoulder.

The gnome was always cautious.

On the contrary, the Eight Stone Saints were bellicose, never afraid of getting into trouble.

"Don't worry. It's going to be okay,"

Austin said with a smile.

Little did they know that something bad was coming their way!

In the distance,

the thump-thump-thump indicated that an army was making its way towards them.

One could tell that the army was not coming to do good.

"It's the face race,"

Asa said, his voice serious as he raised the huge stone stick in his hand. His eyes brimmed with fighting spirit.

Although he had now become a genuine premium-grade divine god,

he still preferred to use his previous weapon.

However, he had already refined this stone stick again and turned it into a supreme divine weapon.

"Austin, we are going to face the consequences of the trouble you have stirred up.

You are still the same as before. Wherever you go, trouble follows you!"

the gnome said bitterly, shaking his head.

The army of the face race had taken less than a minute to reach them.

One of them reflecting the strength of an ordinary divine god stepped out of the crowd and said,


It's them! They just helped the wood puppet race fight us!"

He was the leader of the face race that Austin had banished earlier.

"How is this possible?

You are the Eight Stone Saints and the gnome!

Is this guy with you?"

Another one of them floated forward and recognized the Eight Stone Saints and the gnome.

The leader of this army was a genuine premium-grade divine god.

Thus, the leader had recognized the Eight Stone Saints and the gnome since they were at the same level.

What was more, in the past one hundred years or so, the Eight Stone Saints and the gnome had made a name in this supreme universe.

"That's right!

He is our friend,"

Asa said.

"What do you want? Do you want to fight our friend?"

Asa continued, waving the stone stick in his hand threateningly.


This brat attacked us for no reason.

He obviously wants to bully the face race.

Did you really think that we would not fight back after the insult we suffered?"

the leader said sharply.

Another face floated forward and said coldly,

"He must give us an acceptable explanation!

We won't let him go that easily otherwise."

This was also a genuine divine god.

There were more than a dozen genuine premium-grade divine gods in this army, all of them marching with a determination to handle Austin.


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