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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4487

"Austin, be honest with me. What realm are your real strength equivalent to right now?"

Asa asked with a straight face.

"Well, it's kind of hard to say.

Maybe something like half a governing god, but not quite yet.

But I do have some attainments in the laws of time and space that should be above the levels of some governing gods,"

Austin replied with a faint smile. The truth was Austin's strength was really complicated. So even if asked straightforwardly, he couldn't give a direct answer.

"Half of a governing god?

That's impossible. From what I've seen, you should be at least as powerful as a governing god!"

Conor said, strongly disagreeing with what he heard from Austin.

"Ha-ha. Don't make a big deal out of it. If ever they make trouble again, just let me handle them,"

Austin said casually.

"What? I don't want to just stand idly! We are friends.

We should be fighting together!"

Asa replied with a strong conviction as he waved the stone stick in his hand.

At the same time, in the distant void, a dozen genuine premium-grade divine gods of the face race were discussing by themselves.

"Who the hell is that young man? His power is too terrifying!

With only a wave of his hand, we were all controlled and thrown off to such a far distance.

I haven't seen anyone with such a strong fighting power given his young age.

Anyway, with our strength, we don't have any way of dealing with him.

I guess we just have to go back to the ancestral land and report to our leaders."

After discussing, they finally made up their minds.

"Let's go!

We're going back to the ancestral land!"

Then, these genuine premium-grade divine gods led their troops back to their ancestral land.

"Austin, take a look at those incoming troops of the wood puppet race. I think they must be looking for you,"

Asa quickly warned Austin as he saw a group of the wood puppet race in the distance.

As Asa said, an army came in and marched towards them aggressively.

This dense volume of soldiers ran fast in the void, making the entire space tremble as if there was a violent earthquake going on.

Although the members of the wood puppet race were short in size, each of them was born possessing such massive strength.

Wherever they passed, a bluish green fog appeared that instantly sealed the surrounding space.

It could be clearly seen, even from the distance, that the masters of the wood puppet race had released an energy law.

"Hmm, this is strange. The previous troop was instantly caught by Austin. They should have no time to send a message to their comrades.

How were they able to get the message from their companions?"

Conor asked as he furrowed his brows.

"Don't forget that the wood puppet race has an amazing mind power.

It could not be detected, so even if I catch them, I won't notice if they have transmitted the information through their minds.

After all, the mind power is a very mysterious energy, which is certainly hard to guard against,"

Austin made his prediction to explain the situation.

While they were still conversing, the army of the wood puppet race arrived and stopped in front of them.

"I know the Eight Stone Saints and the gnome.

But who is this guy? Why did he attack our people?

If I were you, I would confess already!

Where are our people now?"

An aggressive master of the wood puppet race walked up to Austin and asked in a haughty tone.

It seemed that he was a genuine premium-grade divine god.

In this troop that confronted them, there was more than a dozen genuine premium-grade divine gods.

"Fine. Here they are!"

Austin suddenly teleported all the members of the wood puppet race out of his body.

However, most of them had self-destructed, only leaving their lifeless bodies.

On the other hand, those who were still alive were completely sealed by Austin and couldn't move an inch.


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