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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4504

The eight governing gods of the wood puppet race tried their best to hold on but it was extremely difficult.

Thankfully, they were all stronger than the Eight Stone Saints and the gnome, who were struggling even harder.

"Ah! Please stop it!"

Asa shouted.

"Come closer to me."

Austin turned to face them and released the great cosmos force in his body, enveloping the Eight Stone Saints and the gnome.

Immediately, they sighed in relief.

Noticing this, the eight governing gods also moved in to form a tighter circle.

Once the great cosmos force shield was protecting everyone around Austin,

they continued to climb down the abyss.

Finally, they landed on the floor of the abyss.

Down here, it was so dark that nothing could be seen

and everyone's spiritual sense was greatly restricted.

Even Austin was surprised to discover that he could only see a few meters around him.

The range of perception of the eight governing gods was even narrower.

And the gnome and the Eight Stone Saints couldn't see anything. They were completely engulfed in the darkness.

"Whoa. I didn't know that a place like this existed in this supreme universe.

This abyss is so mysterious

that a governing god wouldn't even dare explore it.

Is this place related to an ultimate master?"

Austin asked, looking up from where they had climbed down.

This wasn't a place where he could walk around casually. He needed to use his spiritual sense to constantly take note of his surroundings.

"Austin, if we had known that the abyss was this bad, we wouldn't have followed you.

Now, we're practically blind.

We have become your burden."

Asa sighed and slumped his shoulders.

The gnome and the Eight Stone Saints only tagged along because they wanted to learn.

After all, Austin was extremely powerful; and the eight members of the wood puppet race were all governing gods.

There was a chance that they could increase their realm and strength from this experience alone.

Witnessing Austin dealing with the eight governing gods of the face race had impacted them dramatically.

The way that they thought about things around them had undergone a profound change.

It could be said that the gnome and the Eight Stone Saints had gained a lot just from following Austin and watching him fight.

However, in that moment, they felt like they were all going to die,

both in flesh and spiritual soul.

"I have an idea.

I'll hide you inside my human world,"

Austin suggested. Since they were friends, he wouldn't belittle them for being afraid.

"Of course, Austin. That's exactly what we want,"

the Eight Stone Saints answered.

"Fine. Since we are not strong enough, this is the best solution,"

the gnome added hesitantly.

With a wave of his hand, Austin teleported them into one of the human worlds inside his body.

"Now as for the rest of you, have you found the holy weapon yet?

The only reason I'm here is to protect you.

You eight are the only ones who can take the treasure."

Austin focused back on the eight governing gods of the wood puppet race.

After hiding the others inside the body, Austin felt like the task had become a lot less stressful.

"Young man, we can sense that the holy weapon is close."

Austin watched as the eight governing gods fumbled their way to the left before activating their spiritual senses.


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