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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4505

At a closer look, it was an ordinary piece of wood about the size of an adult's palm.

Austin noticed that it had a human face carved on it.

However, he couldn't make out the detailed features since it was just a rough contour of a face.


Are you sure this piece of wood is the sacred item your maternal tree was referring to?" Austin asked, skeptical.

He thought it was ridiculous that he spent a lot of effort to get here just for a common wood.

"Ahem! Young man, we have no reason to lie to you. According to the maternal tree, this wood is a holy treasure of our race.

All we need to do is to bring it back," one of the eight governing gods of the wood puppet race responded.

He, along with the other seven governing gods, looked a bit embarrassed when they saw the dubiety on Austin's face.

"Ah, wait!"

All of a sudden, Austin realized that something was wrong.

'This piece of wood is by no means ordinary since it can simply lie here unharmed.

Even I have to bear such turbulent pressure here. If it were an ordinary wood, it would have already been crushed to dust, right?

Hence, this wood must actually be an amazing treasure!'

As he fixed his eyes on the wood, the thought occurred to him like a flash.

"Well, then. You'd better hurry up and grab that wood so we can get out of here.

This place is way too dangerous.

Try to move as quickly as you can.

We might die here if we're not careful enough," Austin urged as he scanned their surroundings.

"Right. On it."

The eight governing gods of the wood puppet race then walked up to the woman with great caution.

However, it didn't go very well.

When they took two steps forward, one of them stopped in his tracks.

"Aaahhh! I can't hold it any longer. This pressure is too much! I feel like both my body and spiritual soul would explode if I take one more step!"

he said.

Even the other seven governing gods of the wood puppet race had to gather all their strength to walk forward, but they still couldn't move an inch.

"All right, then. I will escort you there," Austin quickly decided.

He had no other choice but to make his way towards the governing gods of the wood puppet race. He released all his energy right away and enveloped the governing gods in it to protect them from the pressure while they carefully sauntered over to the girl.

The closer he got to the woman in white, the more Austin felt the overwhelming pressure.

Due to this, his speed decreased every second.

The eight governing gods of the wood puppet race stayed close to Austin as they moved forward. They looked as though they were facing a formidable foe.

A moment later, the group got closer to the girl clad in white clothes.

The sweet scent of her body slowly filled their noses and intoxicated them.

However, Austin felt that both his body and spiritual soul were on the verge of exploding.


With his current strength, beating dozens of governing gods all at once was a piece of cake for him.

Even so, he found himself trying his hardest to endure such tremendous pain as he approached the woman in white.

'Who the hell is this woman?

Her strength is way too terrifying.

Could she be the legendary god of chaos?'

An idea popped into his mind.

'It's strange, though. She looks so familiar.

Why do I feel like I've seen her somewhere else?'

As he advanced under the crushing pressure, Austin stared at the back of the woman in white.

He was sure he knew her from somewhere.


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