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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4558

Humphrey's vision pierced through the void as he attempted to search the depth of the Fallen Divine Valley and investigate the situation.

However, some invisible, mysterious energy blocked his sight so he could not see as far se he wanted to.

Half a day later,

Humphrey finally left with a long face and a gloomy heart.

It took all the strength he had to suppress his anger and remain calm.


in the Fallen Divine Valley.


Humphrey's finally left!"

Austin screamed, breathing a sigh of relief.

Humphrey had been outside for quite a while, making a ton of noise

and rattling the whole valley.

Fortunately, the valley's defenses were quite sturdy and could take it.

Humphrey was unable to break in.

"Austin, what is it you did to make Humphrey so angry?"

"His whole face turned a bright red from his rage."

"Also, he's been chasing you and asking you to return something to him. Did you steal something?"

The twelves zodiac animals were curious and all had their questions that they posed to Austin for answers to.

"Yes, technically I stole something from him, but it's not actually his,"

Austin replied with a slight grin and a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"Oh, so what is this mysterious thing that you took from him?

Show it to us. It must be truly extraordinary to anger Humphrey to such a degree,"

the sky-devouring dog said, curious and intrigued.

"Fine, but first I have to ask the thing if it agrees to be shown or not. If it agrees, then I will show it to you,"

Austin said smiling pleasantly.

"Oh, it's conscious? It's alive?"

This revelation had the twelve zodiac animals all a little stunned.

Austin communicated with the egg of the chaotic sky-devouring beast, discussing with it for a while.

To his surprise, the egg agreed to meet the zodiac animals.

Austin obliged and teleported the egg out of the human world.

"It's a massive chicken egg!"

the sky-devouring dog shouted the moment it laid eyes on the egg.

"Austin, is this the cause of Humphrey's intense anger?"

the black bull asked.

"What are you saying? How could that be a chicken egg?

Sometimes I doubt whether you possess any common sense."

The big rooster could tell at a glance that the egg in front of them was definitely not from a hen.

The zodiac animals were wrapped up in curiosity. They had been studying the egg a long while now and still could not figure out what race it belonged to.

"Austin, stop being so secretive. Don't hold out on us. Tell us what kind of egg this is."

The sky-devouring dog was getting impatient and began pressing Austin.

"Even if I told you, you would not believe it. This is an egg from a chaotic sky-devouring beast,"

Austin said, smiling happily and beaming with pride.

"An egg of a chaotic sky-devouring beast!"

The twelve zodiac animals widened their eyes in stunned disbelief at Austin's words. They could not come to terms with that being true.

Chaotic sky-devouring beasts were extremely rare.

It was nothing short of incredible that Austin had managed to find one and bring it back.

"You've got to be kidding.

How is this possible?

There are so few sky-devouring beasts out there. How on earth did you find an egg of one?

I just can't believe this."

The tiger shook its head with incredulity.

"I didn't find the egg. Humphrey did.


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