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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4559

Austin promptly left the big square. Afterward, he returned to the small world where the Flame Holy Land was situated.

There, he spent some much needed quality time with his beloved family.

When he arrived, Austin found that Julian was still extremely energetic and playful. His son would usually spend most of his days playing and running around their abode.

Nevertheless, Caroline was more than happy to deal with their mischievous son every single day.

It made Austin feel relieved to know that Julian was in good health.

Moreover, he was quite surprised to find out that his son had become much stronger than when he last visited them.

This amazed Austin because Julian had never once cultivated any kind of skill.

Every single day, Julian would just keep on exploring their place and play.

Needless to say, it was true that he could become stronger and stronger without even cultivating. It seemed like it just came to him naturally.

Austin believed that there was no one else in the Sea of Chaos who could do this other than his son.

If anyone else found out about this, all the warriors in every cosmos would probably envy Julian.

Even Austin, the father, was a little envious of this little boy. This kind of talent must be extremely rare.

At the same time, Austin was delighted that his wives, other family members, seniors, and friends were all improving in terms of strength.

The Fallen Divine Valley was rich in energy reserves. There were all kinds of cultivation resources available here. All of which were pretty much inexhaustible.

Austin enjoyed a few months of well-deserved rest and leisure.

But then one day, his heart suddenly skipped a beat. It was as if he had sensed something.

He turned towards the direction of the Sword Cosmos and tried to determine the problem.

His eyebrows furrowed. "Something seems to have happened in the Sword Cosmos,"

Austin murmured. There was a slight frown on his face.

Everyone was well aware that Austin had been cultivating mind power. Therefore, he had become exceptionally sensitive to everything that was happening around him. Aside from that, he was practically omnipotent. His sixth sense was extraordinarily sharp.

Just now, it seemed like he sensed that there was some sort of change that took place in the Sword Cosmos.

At first, he thought that maybe it was just a fluke. But Austin knew that his omnipotent skill of the sixth sense had been activated. He couldn't deny that he felt something.

"Very well. I shall go and see what's happening in the Sword Cosmos for myself," he decided.

Austin immediately walked out of the Fallen Divine Valley. He went straight towards the void where the entrance of the Sword Cosmos was located.

Afterward, he used his secret penetrating skill and walked directly into the Sword Cosmos.

Austin had come in and gone out of the Sword Cosmos several times already. Thus, he was quite experienced and very familiar with the process. He was able to enter the Sword Cosmos without any difficulty.

As soon as he arrived, he instantly confirmed that something was wrong. "What's this? It seemed like the army of the Blade Cosmos has returned to the Sword Cosmos. What's going on here?

Isn't the ancient teleportation array already under my control?

If so, then how come the army of the Blade Cosmos managed to enter the Sword Cosmos again?"

The moment Austin entered the Sword Cosmos, he found that more than half of its territory was swarming with people from the Blade Cosmos. There were surging blade auras and dazzling blade light exploding everywhere. They were bustling around, taking cities, and seizing territories.

It looked like there was a terrible war taking place in the Sword Cosmos.

The Curry Sword Sect had already organized and mobilized a large number of people from the Sword Cosmos. They were tasked to protect their land and resist the invasion of the Blade Cosmos' army.

As he scanned the battle scene, Austin saw that Warner and Emmet were in the frontlines. They were fighting bravely and fiercely against the governing gods of the Blade Cosmos.

But in just a single glance, Austin could tell that the overall strength of the Blade Cosmos' army was far too powerful than that of the Sword Cosmos. The latter's army was already at a severe disadvantage. They realized that they couldn't withstand their opponents. Gradually, they started to retreat.

"Ha-ha! You losers from the Sword Cosmos, I advise you not to resist any longer! It doesn't matter where our army of the Blade Cosmos goes. We can conquer everything! You are no match against us!" one of the opposing party's governing gods jeered.

"All of you weaklings from the Sword Cosmos, kneel down before us! You're all our slaves from now on. Accept your defeat and maybe we'll be gracious enough to spare your lives!


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