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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4560

"Ha! You are clearly out of your mind!

You lot are rubbish!

How could you treat this guy as your savior? He's not even a governing god! No wonder you're all so weak!

It's ridiculous how such a pathetic place could be known as a supreme universe!

Your cosmos deserve to perish. Go to hell!"

"This is hilarious!" another one chimed in.

"I've never seen anything so comical! Man, you people are lunatics!

No wonder our troops have been able to run you to the ground!"

For a moment, there was nothing but silence. Suddenly, the cultivators of the Blade Cosmos burst into laughter. Their bellies ached from laughing, and they couldn't stand straight.

"All right, since you consider this boy your savior, I'll kill him right now! You will have nothing else to cling to. When I'm done with him, you will all meet your doom!"

said a governing god of the Blade Cosmos, laughing maniacally. He slowly walked toward Austin.

The governing god released beams of sharp and dazzling blade radiance. His aura was terrifying, and he struck fear into the hearts of all those around him.

He threw his head back and laughed wildly as he marched towards Austin.

He looked at Austin with contempt. It was like seeing a bug about to be squished under a man's boot.

"Brat, I will give you two choices.

First, I will give you the privilege of kneeling before me and ending your own life.

As for the second, well... You can choose to let me end your life.

If you pick the first one, your death with be swift and painless.

However, if you pick the second, you can bet that I will torture you in the cruelest, most unimaginable ways possible. You will die only when I say so. Choose wisely.

I will count to three, and you better have made your choice by the time I finish."

The governing god smirked at Austin. His tone was light and teasing. He was mocking Austin.

He did not seem to be too concerned that Austin would try to defend himself.

He was proud, and he thought that Austin would not be able to harm him even if he tried to do so.

After all, even the mightiest ant was still nothing but an ant. Austin was no match for him. Of that, he was certain.

"Brat, don't doubt my words. I mean what I said. To tell you the truth, I even scare myself sometimes.

You will suffer the most excruciating death if you choose to die by my hand. So, why don't you just kill yourself and get it over with already?

Go on! What are you waiting for? It's for your own good!"

said the governing god. He looked at Austin intently, waiting for him to make a move.

"Kairo, what the hell are you doing? Shut up!

He's nothing but a piece of trash! Why don't you just strike him and be done with it?!

What's the point of trying to toy with him?

I really don't understand why you're trying to intimidate him still.


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