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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4589

"He seems to have achieved a level of blade cultivation stronger than even Supreme Grandmaster Donovan's!"

"How is that possible? He's from the Sword Cosmos; how could he have such incredible blade skills?"

All the blade cultivators looked at Austin in shock and awe, especially the governing gods.

His level was miles above their own.

"From here on out, I will be ruling the Blade Cosmos. Anyone who wishes to object or is not convinced by my ability, step forward!"

Austin announced flatly, glancing around the entire Blade Cosmos, as if this decision was already made and there was nothing they could do.

Those golden dragons roared and swirled around Austin frighteningly, shaking the whole cosmos.

Everyone in the Blade Cosmos looked at each other, their eyes wide, not daring to make a sound.

Most blade cultivators were already convinced by Austin's level and had no qualms with him taking power.

What's more, their Supreme Grandmaster Donovan had made a scene of showing himself and handing the ruling power of the Blade Cosmos over to him, for all to see.

Because of this, most of the blade cultivators had already recognized and accepted his status as one not to be trifled with.

However, some still held doubts in their minds

and refused to accept this change of leadership.

The Blade Cosmos had been ruled by the troop of the Sword Cosmos over the past year.

Their Supreme Grandmaster Donovan had inexplicably disappeared during this period, only to suddenly show up and give up his rule of the Blade Cosmos.

And now on top of it all, a man from the Sword Cosmos came out of nowhere, possessing a tremendous amount of blade intent.

Several governing gods felt that there had to be some parts of this story that they were not being told. Something was amiss.

"Supreme grandmaster, is there anything we do not know that we ought to?

How are we to simply let a young man from the Sword Cosmos rule over our Blade Cosmos?

If we just let this happen, we will..." began a governing god.

He stepped forward and posed his question loudly to Donovan, who stood high above the rest on a blade column.


Before he finished speaking, Donovan waved his hand and a blinding beam of blade radiance swooped in from afar.


It struck right through the governing god's body and he blew up on the spot.

"It's none of your business!

Austin is now the ruler of the Blade Cosmos. That is a fact, and this is not a negotiation. You will obey him. That's an order.

Do you understand?"

Donovan's words were stern and threatening.

"Please spare my life!"

The governing god's spiritual soul appeared in the void. He was terrified and hurriedly began begging for mercy from their Supreme Grandmaster Donovan.

He knew that the supreme grandmaster had the strength to take his life like he was nothing.

"Do you dare disobey my order again?"

Donovan sneered at him.

"I swear I will never do so again!"

promised the governing god, trembling on every inch of his being.

He knew Donovan was a moody, bloodthirsty person. It didn't take much for him to kill. If he was irritated even a little, he would not hesitate to murder him in cold blood.

"I'll say it again to make it even clearer.

From now on, Austin will rule the Blade Cosmos.

Obey him. That's an order.

Anyone who dares not comply, kill them!"

With these words, the figure of Donovan and the blade column under his feet began fading to nothing and he disappeared.

Now, standing in the void, there was only Austin.

"Master Austin!" There came cries from some blade cultivators.

They were the first to kneel, praise and chant acceptance of their new ruler from a ways off.

The rest then followed suit, bowing and submitting to Austin.

Eventually, all the blade cultivators had fallen to the ground on their knees.


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