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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4590

These blade cultivators had now accepted the fact that Austin was the ruler of the Blade Cosmos.

There were two reasons for that. Firstly, it was Donovan's order that Austin be recognized as their leader. And secondly, they were highly impressed by this young man's blade skills.

Furthermore, the Blade Cosmos was finally at peace now because Austin's rule had brought with it, an end to their invasion of other supreme universes, which had been going on for a couple of years now.

With peace and sanity restored, the Blade Cosmos was beginning to flourish. All the races and sects were developing gradually.

One day, Austin was walking around the Blade Cosmos when several governing gods made their way towards him.

"Master Austin," they greeted him, bowing respectfully.

All cultivators of the Blade Cosmos were aware that Austin was superior to them in terms of blade skills.

Therefore, they behaved humbly in front of him and didn't dare to show any disrespect.

"Good, you are here." Austin nodded. "I needed to tell you something. From now on, you will be deciding the course of the Blade Cosmos.

I'll come here from time to time, but you must take charge behind me.

And remember. Let this cosmos develop freely. Don't get too involved in the affairs of the forces,"

he told them flatly.

"Sir, well..."

The governing gods were surprised and confused.

Austin was asking them to take charge of the entire Blade Cosmos,

which was a huge deal and they were at a loss for how to respond.

When Donovan had been their ruler, he had made all the calls concerning the affairs of the Blade Cosmos himself.

Everyone was forced to follow his order.

For so long had this system been in place that they'd thought Austin would do the same thing as well.

"I am not going to meddle in the affairs of the Blade Cosmos

unless your survival depends on it.

The Blade Cosmos is under your control. Am I clear?"

Austin said.

The governing gods took a deep breath to suppress their excitement.

"Yes sir! Thank you for your trust!"

they answered in unison.

Austin's words clearly meant that these governing gods would be in charge of the Blade Cosmos.

It was unlikely for the Blade Cosmos to face a cataclysmic crisis anytime soon. For the next several eras, they were safe so going by his own words, Austin would almost never be involved in the affairs of the Blade Cosmos.

He had essentially given them the power to rule the Blade Cosmos.

However, the governing gods were aware of their place.

They knew that Austin would always be the true ruler of the Blade Cosmos,

and no one could take his place.

"Sir, we have troops stationed in both the Dragon Cosmos and the Fiend Cosmos.

Half of the territory of these two supreme universes has already fallen into our hands.

What are your orders to deal with them?"

one of the governing gods asked, drawing closer to Austin.


Your troops are still in those supreme universes? You haven't summoned them back?"

Austin seemed greatly surprised.

It had been two years since the Blade Cosmos had fallen under the Sword Cosmos' control.

And yet, the troops which the former had sent to other supreme universes were still out there.

"Yes sir. Supreme Grandmaster Donovan sent those troops to those supreme universes himself.

They didn't dare come back here without permission.

Even though our cosmos was at stake during the past two years, our supreme grandmaster never made an appearance. Therefore, the leaders of the two armies didn't have the courage to come back.

Only a few masters from those armies took the risk of coming back to help fight against the enemy,"


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