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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4648

Austin was outside the continent, trying to destroy the arrays.

Runes related to arrays poured from his palm endlessly, falling on the arrays covering the continent,

and at the same time, bombarding them with all sorts of energy.

These arrays were not all that brilliant in Austin's eyes.

The most powerful part was the energy they contained.

Because of this, it was taking Austin longer than he had predicted to break them apart.


There came a bellowing cry from the distance.

A mere moment after, more than a dozen faces with fierce auras approached Austin.

It was the governing gods of the face race.

"It's him!"


"He's back!"

They all recognized him immediately,

shocked into a paralytic state where they did not speak or move.

They were well aware of the power Austin possessed. Or at least, they thought they were.

Finally, someone spoke up. "Austin, stop.

Our supreme grandmaster set these arrays up. If you dare destroy them, he'll never let you go in one piece!"

"How dare you run off with our face race's sacred treasure?

Where have you been hiding all these years?"

"Look, Austin, there's no resentment so serious between you and our race that can't be forgotten. How about this? Return the sacred treasure to us, and all the hard feelings will be tossed aside. What do you think?"

The governing gods skulked up to him one by one, trying to persuade him.

But they did not dare attack.

Then, some other creatures appeared.

"It really is Austin!"

More than a dozen wood puppets hurried over from the distance, staring at Austin with astonishment.

They were the governing gods of the wood puppet race.


Austin sneered as he glared at the governing gods of these new arrivals.

When he last had encountered them, their supreme grandmaster had ordered them to take him to the Longevity Valley and help retrieve the sacred treasure.

In the end, however, the supreme grandmaster of the wood puppet race betrayed Austin and tried to take away the treasure by force, forcing Austin to leave this supreme universe.

Austin's face darkened at the very sight of these governing gods.

What had happened to him back then brought all his anger rushing back.

"What should we do?"

"Should we fight him, see if we can take him down?"

The wood puppet race was hesitant to make a move on Austin as well.

It was clear to them all that he was leagues stronger than they were.

"Damn it!

Look, he's almost broken all the arrays!"

"We have to stop him now!" yelled out the governing gods from both the face race and the wood puppet race.

Fear now crept into all of them, for Austin and for what would happen to them if all the arrays were shattered.

The arrays above the continent were riddled with cracks and shaking uncontrollably. They could not bear the burden of having to hold on any longer and were about to break.

It wouldn't be long before they were shattered.

"Stop him!

Our supreme grandmaster set these up herself.

She would be utterly disgraced if this young man were to destroy them all!" growled one the wood puppet governing gods through gritted teeth.

He then took off towards Austin, leading the charge.

The other wood puppets followed suit and fell in behind him.

"Let's join in and stop him. We can't let him get at our supreme grandmaster's arrays either. He'd be terribly upset if we let Austin get away with this."

The governing gods of the face race darted over as well.

"Inform the supreme grandmaster that Austin has appeared!"

Both race's governing gods cried out at the top of their lungs.

"Austin, stop!" barked a wood puppet, rushing to his side.


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