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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4649

"Look, it's him! It really is Austin!"

After the arrays had collapsed, the gnome and the Eight Stone Saints immediately saw Austin standing outside the continent. They were completely surprised and overjoyed.

"Are you guys all right?"

Austin asked with a smile as he approached his friends and landed in front of them.

"We are fine, Austin. how about you? You are finally here!

If you came here just a second later, we would have been in really big trouble!"

Asa responded happily, letting out a sigh of relief.

"What are you talking about? Even if I didn't come here, you would still be fine anyway.

The two beasts who brought you to this supreme universe would also come and save you,"

Austin said with a smile.

It was the two savage evil beasts who brought the gnome and the Eight Stone Saints into this supreme universe.

Austin was sure that they would be watching the gnome and the Eight Stone Saints closely. It was impossible for all nine of them to be in real big trouble.

"You make a good point.

However, over the years, we had been relentlessly hunted down by the wood puppet race and the face race.

So just to be on the safe side, we had been looking for a place to hide all day long.

It was really exhausting, not to mention discouraging. You have no idea how hard it was for us,"

Conor exclaimed with mixed emotions. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, remembering the ordeal they had to go through.

"Well, look at you now. You have all become governing gods! Wow!"

Austin exclaimed as he noticed their auras, obviously revealing their current realms.

"Well, I believe you when you say that you had suffered a lot these past few years. Now, all your suffering has turned to good fortune. You have all become governing gods!

I, on the other hand, am still just a semi-governing god,"

Austin sighed.

"Pfft. Don't be a dick, Austin.

It is true that you are only a semi-governing god, but your strength is enough to defeat most, if not all governing gods.

The nine of us are only as strong as insects compared to you.

Otherwise, how could you bring down the arrays here?

The nine of us had been trapped for three or four years, and could do nothing about it!"

the gnome said, pouting.

"He is right!

Austin, although you are only a semi-governing god, your actual combat power is far beyond that.

As a matter of fact, no matter how much progress we make, we will never be able to catch up with you—not in this lifetime!

You are such a freak!"

Asa also added jokingly.

"Haha! I agree to that!

Austin, you haven't changed! You are still as freaky as before."

The others nodded in happy agreement.

"Oh, come on! Watch your language, guys! I'm not a freak,"

Austin retorted with a fake bitter smile.

"Oh, before I forget,

you know that we have been kept captives here by the wood puppet race and the face race for a few years. It was one of the worst times in our lives.

We must make them pay and get even with them!"

Asa proposed as he waved the stone stick in his hand.

"Hmm, I like that idea. Okay, let's go. I'll help you vent your anger!"

Austin agreed.

He knew that the main reason why the wood puppet race and the face race trapped the gnome and the Eight Stone Saints here was to lure him out and force him to hand over the holy treasure to them.

That was how the gnome and the Eight Stone Saints became involved in this matter. It was all because of him. In this case he owed them.

"Attack them directly and show no mercy!

Let's have a good fight with those bastards!"

"Yes indeed! We haven't been in a battle for years. It has been suffocating all over!"

The Eight Stone Saints all waved their big stone sticks at the same time and rushed towards the governing gods of the wood puppet race and the face race who were just in the distance.

Given the right circumstances, the power of the Eight Stone Saints was terrifying. The stone sticks in their hands were like massive and unparalleled mountains. The energy pressure that they emitted made the space and time shake violently and collapse endlessly.


Asa suddenly raised the stone stick in his hand, recoiled for traction and then threw it towards the enemy with all his might.

Boom! Boom! Boom!


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