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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4742

"If that's the case, then all right... but you must be careful," cautioned Austin. He thought it over for a moment, then added, "Take this Contact Jade Slip. If you're in any danger, you can use it to send me a message.

Once I receive your message, I give you my word I'll do my best to help you."

He took out a Contact Jade Slip and handed it to Armstrong.

By now, Austin had spent enough time with Armstrong to regard him as a friend, and he wanted to ensure he would be safe.

"Thank you very much. If I hadn't met the two of you, given my current strength level, I would have been unable to move a single step in the Absolute Space Sea," said Armstrong gratefully.

With a final bow, he bid Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast farewell.

Then he turned around and walked away alone to continue his journey.

Austin watched him go, then turned to the chaotic sky-devouring beast.

"Let's go to the Heavenly Eye Space Sea," he said.

Without further delay, the two of them began heading in the direction of the Heavenly Eye Space Sea.

Throughout the Absolute Space Sea, countless governing gods were also headed towards the Heavenly Eye Space Sea.

The appearance of the Magical Polarity Token had caught the attention of too many forces.

Governing gods across the vast, seemingly boundless Absolute Space Sea were all drawn to the token like moths to a flame.

Like the others, Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast traveled through the space seas, passing one after another without pause. They lost track of how much time had passed and the distance they had covered.

Finally, they sensed that their destination was near.

"I can feel it... We are very close to the Heavenly Eye Space Sea,"

said the chaotic sky-devouring beast one day.

Austin nodded. "I think so too. We have been encountering more and more governing gods along the way, and they're all headed in the same direction as us. We should reach the Heavenly Eye Space Sea any moment now,"

he said.

As they moved forward, they met even more governing gods along the way. These gods came from different space seas and forces. Some traveled as part of large, mighty groups, while some were completely alone. Others, like Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast, were traveling with only one or two companions.

Eventually, they found themselves at the border of a space sea, where a horde of governing gods were clustered. Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast looked around, impressed at the sheer numbers of the crowd. There were governing gods all around them, as far as the eye could see.

Neither Austin nor the chaotic sky-devouring beast had ever been around so many governing gods at once. They felt their skin prickling with anticipation and wariness.

Meanwhile, a group of governing gods had pressed forward, intending to break into the Heavenly Eye Space Sea ahead of the others.

"Well, we should move forward too,"

Austin said. The chaotic sky-devouring beast agreed.

Instantly, they transformed into two streams of light that streaked into the Heavenly Eye Space Sea.

In this space sea, Pastor, a god of chaos, cultivated in seclusion. Austin was very curious about it—it was rare for a god of chaos to choose as his place of cultivation a space sea accessible to mortals.

Generally speaking, the gods of chaos seldom appeared among mortals. Instead, they preferred to cultivate in seclusion in unknown, secret regions of the Absolute Space Sea.

Only a select few gods of chaos had ever been known to occupy a space sea and use it for cultivation.

As soon as Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast entered the Heavenly Eye Space Sea, they were stunned to see how different it was from the structure of other space seas.

As far as they knew, space seas were usually occupied by a vast range of independent cosmoses or universe communities. But there was nothing of the kind in the Heavenly Eye Space Sea. Here, there was only a single, vast continent. It was incomparably expansive, almost filling the entirety of this space sea.


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