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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4743

When they heard this, both Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast's faces darkened.

They looked toward the direction where the voice had come from, and they saw three people coming their way.

A slender woman led the way. She was clad in a long, red dress, and her skin was emerald green. Two sharp horns glistened atop her forehead. She stared at Austin and the beast with contempt.

Two men followed her closely. They also had green skin. The two of them looked at Austin and the beast murderously.

"Humph! You poor things. You are digging your own graves. You do not deserve the Magical Polarity Token,"

one of the men sneered, a murderous look in his eyes.

"Hand over all your valuables, or I will make you die a miserable death.

Torture is my forte. I can make you wish you had never been born.

If you cooperate, I promise to make your death quick. What do you say?"

the other man said, a playful look on his face.

His voice was deceptively kind and warm. The words that fell from his lips were cruel.

"Why are you wasting your time speaking with these worthless pieces of trash?

Take them out now. Don't waste any more time.

We need to look for the Magical Polarity Token,"

the woman said, her voice tense.

"You're right.

These losers aren't worth our time,"

one of the men said.

Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast stood still, looking coldly at the three strangers. Their eyes were full of killing intent.

"Come on!"

one of the men called.

Boom! Boom!

Green cages suddenly appeared around Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast. The cages began to close in on them.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten green cages had popped up around them.

The martial skill that man performed was terrifyingly brilliant. With the help of that skill, he could form many green cages around his enemies in a heartbeat. His targets had little chance of escaping it.

"Can you handle this?"

Austin asked, looking at the chaotic sky-devouring beast.

"Are you kidding me? Do you think he can trap me with this little trick?"

the chaotic sky-devouring beast replied.

"Don't blink. I am going to break these cages,"

he continued.

The man who had launched the cages laughed with glee.

"Give us everything now, you suckers," he said. He looked at them smugly.

By this time, countless governing gods had entered the Heavenly Eye Space Sea.

They had all come from different forces and space seas. Most of them didn't know each other.

Since they were all here for the same reason, fights were inevitable.

Many governing gods would rob the weaker ones of their treasures. If they resisted, they would be killed.

This group of people thought that Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast were weaker than them. They decided to heckle them and steal their belongings.

The second the man stopped talking, the chaotic sky-devouring beast had caught his attention.

He suddenly grew taller and released tremendous energy.

In a moment, he had transformed into a giant, ferocious-looking monster.

He swiped at the green cages and instantly destroyed them. He morphed back to his original shape.

The three governing gods were taken aback by what they had witnessed.

"What the hell? It turns out that he is a chaotic sky-devouring beast!"

"Damn it! We have made a huge mistake!

Let's get out of here!"

"We have messed with the wrong people!"

The three of them turned around and attempted to flee.


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