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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4744

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Dozens of Time and Space Arrays turned to attacking arrays, raining violent energy down on the two men and the woman.

"Ah! How dare you, brat?"


We are of noble birth. You cannot kill us!" they cried out pathetically.

They weren't very strong and were unable to withstand the attacks from the arrays.

"Sir, please forgive us. It's all our fault.

We shouldn't have provoked you!"

"Please let me go. I will do anything you want, I swear!

You are the boss! We submit to you!"

Their injuries were only worsening, getting more and more deadly with every passing minute. They were left with no choice but to yell out for mercy at the top of their voices.

However, Austin had no intention of letting up, and the arrays continued their barrage of endless attacks.

He was a powerful cultivator and had been through countless battles. There was no part of him that would bat an eye at killing and he would certainly not show mercy to those who didn't deserve it.


Brat, stop this now!

Just you wait and see, the Green Space Sea will not let you escape. You'll never get away with this!

There are several gods of chaos in our space sea! You're in trouble now!"

"That's right, brat! Ah! Kill us, and your death is sealed!"

They couldn't hold on much longer after all their threatening and that was it for them.

Plop! Plop! Plop!

In the end, all three of them perished.


The space began shuddering wildly. Three green lights appeared and soon vanished without a trace.

Austin knew these were three laws that had recorded what had happened here and relayed it back to someone else.

Needless to say, the elders of these three would learn of how he had used the arrays to kill them.

"Another enemy made,"

Austin said as he smiled bitterly.

"But I had no choice," he added.

"They were going to kill us.

We could not just sit back and let them do it.

It was kill or be killed. We had no other option,"

the chaotic sky-devouring beast remarked, helping Austin come to terms with what they had done.

"You're right. No sense dwelling on it now.

Let's keep going."

Austin nodded.

At the same time,

in another area of the continent of the Heavenly Eye Space Sea,

a large number of governing gods with green lights on their bodies marched across a grassland.

As they walked, three green lights shot over from afar, stopping in front of them.

They came to a halt and stared at the lights.

Images began playing one after the other, horrendous images.

They showed how Austin had used the arrays to kill the men and the woman.

"These two are far too bold! They've actually gone as far as killing our people! We cannot stand for this!

Remember their faces, and embed it in your minds. When we find them, we will not hesitate to kill them!"

ordered a tall governing god, enveloped by fog, in a burning rage.

"If we let them get away with this, we will be looked at as cowards! The others will think they can walk all over us!"

"You're right!

These two must die!"

The other governing gods clenched their jaws, biting down hard on their bitter hatred.


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