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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 477

With a scream that conveyed unbearable pain, Wilson held his head in his hands and crouched down. The sword had completely taken his focus off the fight that he had not expected the needle coming. He would have been able to extricate the needle and defend himself from the devastating pain if he was a tad bit more powerful. However, since he had just reached the premium stage of Mysterious Realm, and his spiritual sense had also recently come into existence, he was still too weak to protect himself from such a hit.

Austin, while all those people were wondering what had suddenly happened to Wilson that made him suffer so much, leapt up in an instant and retreated to two hundred meters away, his vital energy force swirling around his legs.

Having been notified beforehand, Violet took Iris and Anna and followed Austin.

Considering his skill, escaping from such a danger was not difficult for Austin—all thanks to his prominent bodily movement skill. In a flash, he had already retreated to about six hundred feet away in just a few steps.

Once they had retreated to a safe distance, Violet transformed into a green cloud of smoke and slid into the Illusion Bead.

As for Iris and Anna, Austin took them by their hands and flew out of the valley. Upon unfolding his Wind-commanding Skill, Austin glided as fast as a flying arrow. It was impossible for any of the men on the ground to discern their figures clearly.

"Guys, I apologize to you for my unexpected departure. But don't worry. For your today's hospitality, I will pay back ten times as pleasant for you."

Austin's voice traveled in the air and reached their ears as they gawked at his receding figure.

One thing Austin did not know of was that the old wolf turned out to have some spiritual communication with his master Wilson. When Wilson was hit by the Spiritual Sense Flying Needle and was suffering from the piercing pain, the wolf had also sensed the pain and had snarled.

Getting rid of the needle looked impossible for Wilson, but it wasn't out of the question for that powerful, mighty wolf. Moments later, the Spiritual Sense Flying Needle was pulled out of Wilson's Soul Sea by some invisible strong force that the wolf had produced.

"The power of the wolf is really majestic."

Austin could not help but appreciate the wolf's excellent defensive capabilities. As far as he could tell, no one had ever been able to break through his Spiritual Sense Flying Needle until today.

"Damn it! We let the bastard slip through our fingers," Wilson grumbled, his voice trembling with rage.

However, it was all too late. When he finally regained his composure from the intolerable pain, Austin had already disappeared. He was way out of their reach.


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