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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 478

After leaving the Medicine Valley, Austin kept on running. A few miles away from the battleground, he reached a quiet place in the middle of a forest. Alas, he was at a safe place for now. He decided to take a quick rest to recover his strength.

He was exhausted from the fierce battle a while ago. He could quickly recover the vital energy he had lost from the battle using the vital energy stone. However, he needed time to recover from his mental exhaustion.

After resting for almost an hour, Austin felt completely refreshed. He was in his peak condition again and ready for a new fight.

As he continued to rest a little longer, he reflected on his battle with the cultivators from different sects. The Red-winged Wolf he had faced was only a demonic spirit, however, its strength was beyond Austin's power to defeat it. From his encounter with Wilson, Austin learned that the Blood Wolf Team had a great inheritance which enabled them to rise quickly in the Violet Orchid Empire.

The demonic spirit of the Red-winged Wolf was a level-nine demonic beast equivalent to a powerful cultivator at the Sky Realm!

Austin felt that the odds were in his favor when Abbott hadn't taken the woodcarving of a wolf with him. If it had been the case, it would have been impossible for Austin to defeat and kill him.

After his reflection, he turned to his two companions: Iris and Anna. He had managed to save the girls from the group of cultivators for now, but he knew that they were still in danger.

Austin knew that his friendship with Anna and Iris had caused them to be enemies with Wilson and his group.

If the two girls were to separate from him, their lives would be in grave danger. Austin believed Wilson's group would not stop looking for Anna and Iris. If they found the girls, Austin was certain that Wilson and his group would do any cruel things to the girls to pacify the grudge they had on him.

With these in mind, Austin decided to keep the girls in his company. Although they would become a distraction to him, he was left with no other choice.

"You will have to stick with me for the next couple of days. I know it's not what you planned, but I have no other choice. I don't want you to be caught by those cultivators again," Austin said to the two girls.

As she heard these words, Iris beamed with pleasure. She had witnessed Austin's fight with over thirty cultivators including famous young talents like Leo.

Despite being outnumbered, Austin had still managed to defeat his enemies and killed most of them.

With this, Iris was reassured that they would be safe in Austin's company. He would be the perfect shield for them against all their enemies.

However, she was worried that they wouldn't be of any help to Austin. If they were caught in a fight, they would surely become a liability to him.

Iris was inclined to come with Austin, but the thought of becoming a burden to him weighed more. Thus, with a heavy heart, she refused, "Austin, we appreciate the offer, but we have to decline. We have already caused you enough trouble when you offered to save us from those cultivators. If we stay with you longer, I'm afraid that we'll become a burden–"

But before she could finish her words, Austin interrupted and said, "I don't mind. You were captured by the members of the Blood Wolf Team because you are my friends. It's me who caused you this trouble.

Besides, I know my strength. So, you wouldn't be of any trouble to me even in fights. That's it!

We must go now. I want to return to the Fire Valley and get something useful."

Austin clearly understood what was going on in Iris' mind. But he assured them that he was willing to take them under his wings for the time being until they were in a safe place.

"We don't have the luxury of time. Let's move right now!"

He stepped out first and led the way towards the Fire Valley.

"Austin, we will be forever in your debt!"

Iris and Anna were beaming with joy and gratitude as they followed Austin's lead to the Fire Valley.

Admittedly, Austin's company made them feel secure. They now had the courage to move on. They thought that it must be Austin's strength and power that gave them a sense of security and made them want to rely on him.

About an hour later, they reached the outskirt of the Fire Valley for the second time.


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