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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4808

"Yes, we must take him out. That bastard is such a pain in the ass, and I don't want to keep him alive any longer. I want to tear him to bits!"

The chaotic sky-devouring beast nodded in agreement when he heard Austin's words.

"But we just escaped from the Cliff Chaotic Sea. Are we coming back again now? Isn't that too dangerous?"

the Reincarnation Palace's leader said to them with a worried look.

"No, we're not going back there now.

We must continue first to look for the fragments of the road of reincarnation. After that's done, we can find a way to come back to the Cliff Chaotic Sea and look for Ravi.

He couldn't possibly escape from us. There's no way I would let him go that easily.

I have already remembered the aura of his spiritual soul, so it would be easy for me to track him down when the time comes,"

Austin said to them.

"Alright, that's good to hear that you got it already,"

the Reincarnation Palace's leader replied with a nod.

"That guy makes me feel nothing but disgust.

He is so despicable. I totally despise him to my core!

He is also a successor of the reincarnation race. But he just sold us out like that and even tried to kill us!" she continued with hatred.

She couldn't help but flare up at the thought of Ravi. She didn't expect that he would betray them so easily as if they were nothing to him.

"Madam, we must move on and continue to collect the other fragments of the Memory Bridge,"

Austin said as he turned to look at Old Lady Meng.

"Alright, not a problem.

I have already sensed some other pieces of the Memory Bridge. Let's go now and get them."

Old Lady Meng firmly nodded at him.

"Young man, I must say that you really have something up your sleeve.

You even escaped from a god of chaos. That's totally impressive.

It's not easy for governing gods like you to do that, but you actually made it.

Although it's just an avatar of a god of chaos, he could handle a governing god without even breaking a sweat. So, it was really incredible of you to escape like that,"

Old Lady Meng praised and smiled at him.

"Madam, I'm really flattered by your words.

But I was just lucky to have the teleportation rune left by my master.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to run away from a god of chaos either. So, it's all thanks to my master,"

Austin humbly said with a smile.

"Well, you were lucky indeed. But besides that, it still takes one a lot of courage to pull that off. So, it wasn't entirely because of your master's rune, but it was also because of your grit and determination,"

Old Lady Meng added.

"Thank you for your exceedingly kind words. Now, we must move on.

Alright, come on.

Let's go now and immediately find the next fragment of the Memory Bridge,"

Austin turned to say to the chaotic sky-devouring beast and the Reincarnation Palace's leader.

With that, the three of them continued their journey under Old Lady Meng's guidance.


a group of people were gathered in a meeting in the Occult Palace of the Cliff Chaotic Sea.

"Send our men to search for that brat. They need to find him immediately.

Then report to me as soon as you get any leads. I must remind you that finding him is urgent and very much important,"

the middle-aged man said in a low voice with a serious expression on his face.

He still couldn't accept that a level-one governing god managed to escape from him who was already a god of chaos.

That was absolutely an insult to him, so he wanted his revenge.

Everyone knew that the god of chaos claimed to be an omnipotent being who could control everything.

But he failed to deal with a level-one governing god, and that was extremely shameful.

"Yes, sir!"

more than ten elders of the Occult Palace answered him respectfully.

They knew that the middle-aged man was angry at what happened, and they were well aware why he was enraged.

So, they didn't ask any more questions and decided to look for Austin immediately.


I still can't believe you got away so easily!" Ravi said through his gritted teeth, his face twisting in anger.

He couldn't accept the fact that Austin and his companions had managed to get away.

"Young man, I must admit that I see a lot of potential in you.

You have the talent, skills, and determination.


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